season 1, episode 4. "man on the moon"

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word count: 8034

~ third person pov ~

DJ woke up with a groan when he remembered what happened last night, he groans again but louder this time and rolls off his bed, landing on the ground with a loud thud. He laid on his face for a couple minutes before finally pushing him up and off the floor. He plopped himself on his bed and ran his fingers through his blonde locks then rubbed his neck, he got up and started to get changed.

"Hey D-- whoa." he looked back, in the middle of taking his pants off, when Allison came walking in "Sorry, I didn't me--"

"No no, what's up?" he asked as he put on a different pair of jeans then turning his full attention to Allison.

"It's... it's mum." he tilts his head to the side.

"W-What do you..." he then remembered again but the events of last night and quickly changed into something comfortable before rushing out and to where he last saw Grace "Mum..." he mumbled as he slowed down. There she was, in the middle of cross stitching, though going up her left wrist... was a deep gash, and her wires were pulled or cut out. DJ just stared with parted lips as his eyes got blurry from the tears that swelled up in his eyes, he slowly reached his hand towards her but flinched back, he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. The tears finally fell as he remembered all the times she was there for them, misunderstanding some of the situations they were in, helping them whenever they needed her most, making them smile in this house of nightmares. Most of his siblings laughed when he was told to either sleep with the light on or with a nightlight, but was reassured by her that it was alright. He wrapped an arm around her head then knelt down and pressed his lips against her temple, he pulled back then leaned his forehead against hers. He leans away and closes her eyes then wipes away his tears, he feels a hand on his shoulder but he didn't react "H-How... how long, was she like this?" he asks, Allison sighs.

"We don't know... Diego's going to be heartbroken when he finds out." DJ let's out a chuckle and turns to face them when he saw their saddened gazes.

"What's so funny, DJ? Mum just--"

"Wait wait wait, so she's mum now? What happened to Grace?" Luther clicks his tongue at DJ.

"Be serious, DJ."

"Oh, I am serious. Why are you two so sad about this? I mean, you wanted to turn her off!"

"Now hang on DJ, I get that we were arguing about whether or not to turn her off or not, but are you thinking that we would've wanted to turn her off like this? Just... looking at her like this, is hard." he clicks his tongue.

"Talking about turning her OFF was hard. She looked after us when we were kids, and how did we repay her after years of her kindness?! We talked behind her back and you're only feeling remorse now because she was forcefully turned off!"


"Stop it! I don't want to listen to you! First, you accuse us of killing dad, then you accuse mum! Who's next on your list, fucking Ben?! Oh wait, he beat dad to it. Let me guess, are you going to suspect Pogo?"

"Master DJ, that is enough." DJ scoffs at Pogo and points at Luther.

"Hell no! I'm sick of his shit, we all are! Someone just needed to tell it to him straight." he then starts walking away, back to their bedrooms, but when he walked pass Luther he roughly shoved his shoulder against his.

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