season 1, episode 5. "number five"

942 44 2

word count: 7344

~ third person pov ~

"So, where's Klaus?" Diego asked DJ as he drove them to where Luther and Five were after they dropped Eudora off at a hospital, DJ did heal her wound by Diego wanted to make sure she was really fine because sometimes DJ's healing power would wear off.

"I'm not too sure. When I was bleeding out I told him to leave, that I'd be fine, and so he left with a briefcase. He could be anywhere by now." Diego hums.

"Or if we're lucky, he went back to the house." DJ nods.

"Mm, I hope it's that option." Diego then turns to DJ when he was stopped at a red light.

"How'd you know the idiot was gone anyways?" DJ scoffed at Diego.

"Okay, his name is Klaus and I just did. I was originally going after Hazel and Cha-cha until I noticed the house was awfully quiet and the smell of drugs wasn't in the air. I went passed Klaus room and noticed it was briefly open, I go in a see he wasn't in his room and that he left his walkman. Klaus doesn't go anywhere without it." Diego whistles.

"Wow, you really know Klaus." DJ clicks his tongue.

"I know everyone, including you. Luther's got a thing for Allison, yet we all know that. He's a big bear that has a way of caring for us in the shitest way. You're like a dog, rough on the outside but soft on the inside. Having an open heart to only mum and Eudora, but sometimes is as well. Allison just wants to live a life without the help of her powers. Klaus just wants the ghosts the piss off and the only way to block them out is through drugs. Five is like a kitten holding a knife, and though he seems like a prick, he really cares for us. Ben... Ben was the logical one out of all of us and was the pillar we could rely on. And Vanya... she just wanted to be apart of the family, and for how we treated her... she struggled to find a way to live." he looks at Diego "THAT'S how well I know you guys, yet you don't know shit about me."


"That response clearly answers that." he leans back into the car seat but groans when his chest started aching, Diego turns his attention to him.

"You alright?"

"Are you actually being sincere or just trying to make me feel better by acting concerned?" Diego sighs.

"Look, I get that I act like a complete asshole, but like you said, I open my heart out to you guys as well." DJ stared at him before lightly laughing.

"Wish I recorded that cause I'll never be able to hear it again." Diego scowls at him.

"Had to ruin it, didn't you?" DJ shrugs.

"Whatever do you mean, brother?" it took at least three more minutes to arrive at their needed destination and DJ decided that he'd stay in the car, Diego only came back to get a few things before they left to the Academy. DJ put on Klaus' walkman again and leaned back into the chair and started listening too "I can't dance", he tapped his foot on the ground and bobbed his head up and down to the beat. Compared to the other music he listened too, it wasn't as nearly as pumping but he still enjoyed listening to it. Klaus' choice in music was very inter--


"Whaaa!!" he shot forward when he suddenly felt someone behind him, he turned around and saw Five sitting in the back seat "When the fuck did you get there?!" Five rolled his eyes.

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