season 1, episode 2. "run boy run"

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word count: 6280

~ third person pov ~

~ flashback ~

It was like any other day in the Hargreeves household. Luther was with Allison doing god knows what, Diego was probably throwing knives at pictures of Luther, Klaus was probably smoking a joint he found getting high as fuck, Ben was probably with him reading a book, Five was in the library while DJ was with Vanya as they played together rather beautifully. That was until a bell was heard, breakfast was ready. DJ and Vanya smile at each other before placing their instruments down and rushing downstairs then wanted behind their chairs, now waiting for father. Luckily for them, he arrived pretty quickly, they all look at him.

"Sit." they do so. On Reginald's left was Zero, Three, Four and Six, on the right was an empty spot, One, Two and Five, then across from him was Seven. They all ate in silence though Ben was still reading his book, Klaus was rolling a joint under the table and DJ watched in amusement when he saw Luther and Allison staring at each other with such a love sick gaze.


That sudden noise made them all stop and look over to see who was responsible, DJ sighed when he saw Five stab a knife into the table, so he just carried on eating.

"Number Five?"

"I have a question."

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."

"I want to time travel." hearing that almost made DJ spit out his food, Allison and Grace did help him not to choke on it when he tried to force the food down.

"No." Reginald simply answered.

"But I'm ready! I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said!" he then appeared beside Reginald "See?"

"A spatial jump is a trivial when compared with the unknowns of time. One is like sliding along the ice, the other us akin to the descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."

"Well, I don't get it." DJ was surprised to hear that response from the know it all Five, out of the entire siblings, Five was practically the genius, DJ being right behind him.

"Hence the reason you are not ready." DJ shared a look with Five when he looked at him.

"I'm not afraid!"

"Fear isn't the issue. The effect it might have on your body, even your mind, are far too unpredictable! Now I forbid you from ever speaking of it!" Five clenched his hand into a fist then turned his back on him and started sprinting out of the academy "Number Five! You have not been excused!" DJ swallowed thickly before raising his hand.

"Father, may I be excused?" he asked nervously, Reginald narrowed his eyes at Zero before nodding his head.

"You may." with that he shot out of his seat and chased after Five.

"Not ready my ass." he goes to disappear but the sudden grab of his wrist stopped him, he snatched his wrist back and glared at the suspect responsible but his gaze softened at the sight of DJ.

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