Ch 7 - Mountain Training Pt. 1

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~ Third Person ~

Pulling up to their stop, the bus halted and opened the doors. Everyone cheered as they jumped up, grabbing their bags and racing out of the vehicle. Nagisa stood up much more slowly and thanked the driver as he stepped off, watching it start back up and leave. Once gone, he turned to 18 students that stared up at the towering mountain side.

"Whelp. Get ready for a hike. There's a cabin up there and we'll be staying there for today." Everyone whipped around, staring at Nagisa with wide, shocked eyes.

"A-are you serious?!" Tsukino asked, a tinge of desperation in her tone.

"This has to be some kind of sick joke," Kabuto started, grasping at straws for a logical reason as to why. "There's no way you expect us to climb up this thing!"

Nagisa shook his head, a small smile spreading on his lips. "I'm serious. C'mon. It's not that bad." They all looked at him as if he grew a second head, but he just continued. "We're not gonna get anywhere standing around like this. The sooner we get up there, the more fun we'll have. This is also the start of your training today! So let's get a move on."

"This is gonna be torture." Haruno groaned, and the others all agreed. But nonetheless, they all followed after their teacher to start their hike up the mountain. 

They entered the forest that occupied the mountain's surface, swatting away branches and watching for anything that could attack them. The students were all on edge, but Nagisa seemed to be completely fine as he walked. His students struggled to keep up with him, trying to stay as close as possible in case anything happened. Chuckling silently at that, Nagisa took to the left, as if following a non existent trail. Konya, Rai and Asahi started to complain loudly, causing Kozue and Izumi to retaliate and try to shut them up. They started to fight once more, the rest of the group shuffling past them to stay with Nagisa. 

With a reserved sigh, Nagisa turned to the five as he ushered the others up behind him. "Alright. That's enough. Fighting isn't going to get us anywhere." He stepped towards them, ducking below the knife that Konya threw at him. Asahi took out her pistol and started to fire at him, but her shots all missed as he dodged them. "How are you even getting your bullets?" He murmured the question more-so to himself as he paused in front of the five. They all turned their attention to him and started throwing punches and blades. "Too slow!" 

Nagisa swept them all off their feet, taking their weapons from them as he did so. They tumbled to the ground in a heap, and Nagisa turned on his heel to continue up the mountain. "Hey! Aren't you gonna wait for us? We'll get lost without you!" Izumi called out, trying to get up but struggling under the tangled limbs of the other four. 

Nagisa just looked over his shoulder with a smug smirk. "Try to keep up." He laughed as they yelled at him, joining his other students who waved at them before leaving them to be. 

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