Ch 11 - Hide 'n' Seek Pt. 3

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~ Third Person ~

Saki and Asahi ducked down as they heard hushed footsteps not too far away from them. They crouched and halted their breathing, ears pricked and listening to everything around them. The hushed voices moved away and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright. Let's move," Saki whispered, standing up slightly so that she was still hunched over. They moved from tree to tree, eyes scanning the foliage for any movement. "This way."

Taking the lead, Saki rushed over to a large boulder, pressing her back up against it as she peered around it. Asahi reached her side and did the same, muttering quietly to herself.

"Nothing to the left, and there's nothing behind us. It's far too quiet. Something is going to happen soon, I just know it." She murmured, pink eyes narrowing slightly.

Taking a chance, they both dashed out on either side of the boulder. A sudden scream tore from Saki's throat, alarming Asahi into diving into a bush. Saki collapsed to her knees, tag removed from her arm. But the perpetrator was gone. Without a second thought, Asahi dashed away, saying a silent "I'm so sorry Saki," as she ran.

The scream seemed to also alert Kozue who jolted up. "That was close. We need to move."

"And ditch our plan! No way!" Taguchi shook his head violently, brown-red hair swishing with him. "We set this all up for a reason!"

"Then you can go and lose for all I care. I'm leaving. Come with me or not, I don't care. But I'm not staying here." Kozue leaped down from the tree branch he was perched on, landing softly on the ground.

He started to run away, and Haruno jumped down to follow him. "You're leaving too?!" Shirai was shocked as she watched Haruno chase after Kozue.

"Well, yeah. I'm not staying after hearing that scream. You're all crazy for staying. So, see ya!" She tossed a hand in the air in a mock wave as she and Kozue disappeared into the shaded forest.

Shirai and Rai exchanged looks, but ultimately decided against it. Machi and Taguchi just sighed, but decided to move away. Not too far from their traps, but far enough that they weren't exactly close either. They ducked down and pressed their bodies as low as they could, and watched for any signs of movement.


Hands pinned them both to the ground as they shouted out in surprise, altering the remaining 2 team mates nearby. They felt their tags being ripped off their legs with lightning speed. They couldn't even move or respond before they found themselves out of the game. Turning his head, Machi barely caught sight of red hair disappearing into the foliage. His mind finally caught up to him and he hastily stood up, staring down the path the red head had taken.

"What the fuck was that?!" He yelled, fists waving in the air in frustration. "Come on!" He started to punch a tree to release his anger as he groaned in anger.

"Damn that was fast. I seriously thought that we'd survive a lot longer then this. Man, this sucks," Taguchi sighed, brushing off the dirt from his uniform as he stood up. "We should go. Not much we can do about this now."

With one last punch to the tree, Machi turned around and walked off. Taguchi followed his lead, both thinking about what had just happened to them.

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