Ch 9 - Hide 'n' Seek Pt. 1

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Teams -
Red -
Rai Asami, Taguchi Gonkuro, Shirai Hisa, Haruno Kit, Kozue Momoru, Machi Toyokazu

Blue -
Saki Baiko, Konya Hideaki, Oka Iako, Tsukino Mami, Izumi Naora, Asahi Yori

Green -
Suga Chima, Yamaji Hideaki, Kano Ikoi, Yamada Murai, Kabuto Raidou, Kazato Yori

^~ Third Person ~^

"Are you serious?" Konya harshly whispered, pressing his boy to the ground. "Why the hell did he wait till now to tell us that? What the fuck are we supposed to do now?!"

Asahi shook her head with a sigh. "Complaining about it isn't gonna help. We have to split up so we can cover more ground," she turned to the others in the group. "Saki, you're with me. Tsukino, you go with Konya. Izumi and Oka, you're together."

"You can't just pair us up like this!" Tsukino whisper yelled, tossing her purple hair over his shoulder. "I don't want to go with Konya." 

"Well too bad. Now let's move out. We'll look out for our partner, ok? Let's go Saki." Asahi grabbed Saki's arm and dragged her off, leaving the other 4 where they were.

With a groan, Konya stalked off with a reluctant Tsukino. "Guess we better get going." Oka turned to Izumi who nodded in response, a crazed look in her pink eyes.

As team blue split up, team green was having some trouble coming up with a plan. "That's never gonna work!" Kazato argued, drawing a sigh from Kano as she tried desperately to come up with something.

"Then what do you suggest we do, Kazato?" She frustratedly asked with a huff.

"We need to catch them off guard. They would expect us to split up and go solo, but if we stay in a group, we can do more damage!" Kazato replied, hands flying about as he tried to convince Kano.

"That's what I've been saying this hold time!" Suga almost about screamed, slamming her fists into a tree with an angered groan.

Yamada just watched with an amused expression, snickering lightly to himself. "So do we have a plan?" He asked cheerily, not fazing under the 3 glares sent his way. "I'll take that as a yes."

Kabuto spoke up before a fight could break out. "So if we're all in agreement, let's go. Staying here will just end up in our loss. So let's move people."

Begrudgingly, they all stood up and headed off, rushing through the trees in a group. Team red, however, was trying something else that was more luck based. Rai and Machi were tying some rope that they brought along with them to the trees as the rest ran about with sticks and rocks.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Taguchi asked, worried about the failure of their plan.

"Oh please. I've done this hundreds of times. It always works!" Rai was confident in herself as she finished tying a knot. "Perfect! Alright, now put those rocks over there, and the sticks can go..." she tapped her chin as she looked around. "There!"

"Set the rocks up in large piles. They need to build up more upwards then around." Machi guided, taking the other end of his rope and tying it around a second tree. "Cover the holes with the sticks."

"I got all the leaves!" Haruno jumped down from a tree and dropped the leaves. "Where do we want them?"

Rai turned around and pointed to the stick covered holes. "On top of the sticks. Be careful not to fall in"

"Roger that!" With a mock salute, Haruno set up the leaves on top before climbing back up into a tree.

"We're done here. Follow Haruno's lead. We need to hide. Keep a look out for anything." Kozue ordered after fixing up the last of the rocks.

With a nod, they all either dived into the bushes or climbed into the trees, going silent as quickly as possible so as to not give away their locations. And with one final shuffle of the leaves, the game was in full motion.

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