Ch 3 - Rubber Knives

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~Third Person~

As everyone started sparring, Nagisa got another phone call. He took out his phone and answered, keeping his voice low so his students wouldn't hear.


"Hey blueberry~"

"Hey strawberry. What's going on?"

"I'm guessing you've been informed about the suspect?"

"Ah, yes. Karasuma did inform me. What time do you think you can get off work? You'll be the first to arrive, so, you'll have to take action first. And about that, have you gotten any word about Nakamura?"

"Yes I have. She's in. And trust me on this. I won't go overboard. I'll just have a little fun with my spices. You know how I am~"

"And I feel sorry for everyone who you do that to. Is that all you needed to talk about? Or was there some other motive here? I'm kinda in the middle of a lesson, you know."

"Can't I talk to my blueberry for a bit? Is that too much to ask for?"

"We can talk later."

"Fine. Have fun with your little lesson now. Bye bye~"


Nagisa hung up and looked around his class, seeing a few students get thrown to the ground. He walked up to Saki and Izumi, gaining their attention.

"Good job with that last move, Saki. But, if you adjust your arm to the right a bit and change your stance so your more to the left, you can increase the chance of flipping them with a finishing move to the abdomen," He said, moving Saki so she was in stance. "Try it on me now."

Nagisa stood in front of her as she gripped him, flipping him onto his back and going for the final hit, stopping just before. She got back up and helped her teacher.

"See? It's a good move to finish your opponent. But, if you haven't done enough damage to your opponent, they could easily flip the switch. In that case, you would want to kick them off you and cut them down with your weapon. If you can't kicked them off, restrain them and take them out." Nagisa explained.

"Thanks Sensei." Saki said before swinging her knife at Nagisa, who easily blocked.

"As for you, Izumi, when you're forced against the ground, always look for a loophole. It could ensure your victory. I can list off a few ways to help, but, it's your decision what move you take. Take your knife and slash them down. Kick them off you and turn the tables. Take out their arms and/or legs then go for a vital spot. Or, take your chances and aim for their heart."

Izumi nodded before taking stance again, continuing her spar with Saki. Nagisa walked off to Konya and Machi who had both fallen down, out of energy.

"What's going on here? You two already out of energy?" Nagisa joked.

"Shaddup." Konya sighed.

"Jeez. Do you two want to learn how to kill someone?" Nagisa asked.

"Yeah. Learn how to kill you." Machi snickered.

"That's the whole point of this exercise." Nagisa replied.

"Oh is it now? I thought this was just to get your students to beat each other up and get us all expelled." Machi said.

'Who knew one kid could be so sarcastic. It's like he want to pick a fight.' Nagisa mentally sighed. "Anyway, show me what you two have. You can practise on me. See if you can get any hits on."

Machi's cat face grew as he stood up, reaching out a hand to Konya. He whispered something to him, causing a smirk to rise. They both took their stances and readied their knives.

"Come at me with all you've got." Nagisa said.

"We were planing on doing just that." Konya smirked.

They waited a few more moments before launching their attack.

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