Ch 5 - Small Job

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~Nagisa's P.O.V~

The school day ended, everyone from my class leaving instantly. I packed up my things and headed out with Haruna by my side.

"I don't think I asked, but, what're you doing here?" I asked as we left the building.

"I have a gig here. I was gonna go straight there but decided to stop by the school, see how it was going. Though, I ended up coming here to see you." Haruna replied, scratching her cheek.

"Our classroom get-together isn't till next week. You're seriously early." I commented.

"Yeah, well, I also heard you had a small job to take care of. I wanted to tag along. It's been awhile since the last one." She said.

"That's true. And I don't mind. But we better get going. Not sure how Karma's gonna deal with it, and I don't wanna find out." I shuddered at the thought.

Haruna just laughed at that as we hopped in my car. I started it up and drove off, remembering to take the small shortcut to the house. On the way, I got a call from Karma.

"Hey blueberry! On your way back?"

"Yep! Haruna's tagging along for the ride too."

"Hey Karma!"

"Hey Haruna! Got a gig here? Or did you just wanna see a man get tortured by yours truly?"

"Ha ha. Yes, I got a gig. I also wanted to see you two."

"Well, it won't just be us. Rio's joining us. Nagisa here didn't want me going overboard, but I think he chose the wrong girl."

"She was the closest to us! Plus I knew she'd agree to come."

"Alright, alright. No need to get your panties in a twist. Also, you might wanna hurry if you want to see everything go down. I'm almost at the house."

"We're just around the corner. See you there. Bye!"

Karma hung up just as we rounded another corner. The house was straight down this road. I silently prayed for the poor soul Karma was about to find and torture. The house slowly came into view, and I could already see blue and red flashing around. I pulled up to a halt, leaving and locking the car with Haruna by my side. We ran over. I spotted Karma with Rio by his side, searching around for the culprit.

"Hey Karma! Nakamura!" I called out, rushing over to them.

"You finally made it. We were close to finding this guy, but he keeps moving around." Karma said, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"Well, now that we're here, we'll help." I replied, a smile crossing my face before turning serious as I turned to a sudden sound. 'He's close by.'

My eyes scanned around, ears listening to any unusual sounds. The rustle of leaves echoed around again. I turned to the sound, Karma following my gaze that landed on a nearby bush. I nodded in that direction, glancing at my friends who started to stalk forwards. I followed with them, stepping forwards. Karma suddenly leaped forwards, spices already in hand as he tackled our target to the ground. He let out a short lived yelp, only cut off when Karma shoved the spices up his nose. I heaved out a heavy sigh, shaking my head in disappointment. Rio only laughed at his antics while Haruna shook her head also. I pried Karma off the poor man for the police to take away. Rio and Haruna soon left,

Karma and I finished up with the police before heading inside our house. We headed straight for the lounge, collapsing down into the soft cushions. Karma pulled me over onto his lap, hugging me tight as he heaved out a heavy sigh.

"You alright?" I asked, tilting my head up and placing my hand on his cheek.

He leaned into my hand, looking into my eyes. "I'm fine. It's just..." another sigh left his lips. "There's a firing spree going on at work. The higher-ups are just firing whoever they want. I'm just worried that I may be one of those people."

"I'm sure you'll be fine." I said, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"I hope so." Karma murmured, burying his face into my hair.

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