Ch 12 - Ripped Tags

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~ Third Person ~

Nagisa watched as more and more students walked out of the forest, sulking and annoyed at their loss. He smiled and waved them over to the six already seated students, silently laughing to himself as he did. 'Karma really isn't letting them go, huh.'

(Rai Asami - Girl - Red
Saki Baiko - Girl - Blue
Suga Chima - Girl - Green
Taguchi Gonkuro - Boy - Red
Konya Hideaki - Boy - Pocket knife - Blue
Yamaji Hidetora - Boy - Green
Shirai Hisa - Girl - Red
Oka Iako - Girl - Blue
Kano Ikoi - Girl - Green
Haruno Kit - Girl - Pocket knife - Red
Tsukino Mami - Girl - Blue
Yamada Murai - Boy - Green
Kozue Momoru - Boy - Pocket knife - Red
Izumi Naora - Girl - Blue
Kabuto Raidon - Boy - Green
Machi Toyokazu - Boy - Red
Asahi Yori - Girl - Pistol - Blue
Kazato Yori - Boy - Green)

Important!! Hey, this isn't being continued. Please see my latest post on my conversation board.
This is up for grabs for whoever.
Sorry for not updating. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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