Chapter 11

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Sorry super short! Will be updating a longer chapter soon!

Reviving the Heart Chapter 11

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

Sarah awoke to find she’s alone once again. Feeling restless, she quickly stood up heading straight to her small kitchen. Since she had been feeling under the weather for a couple of days now, her mother decided it would be best for her to rest and let her parents run the small café that she owned. Also with the help of her ex, she was to check in with her doctor for an update about her disease.

Liam had been a great friend, always providing for her. Even though she knew she hurt seeing him, Sarah could not pull away from the happiness his presence brought. Maybe it was stupidity that ruled her minds, but for now she let it control her, even just for a little bit.

Once she poured herself a cup of coffee, Sarah went straight to her small studio to get started on the work that’s been filing up. “I guess it’s time to finish all these up,” she said to herself, sipping more of her coffee.

Once she sat her coffee down the table she quickly picked up her brush and paint palette to start. Painting was her ways of letting everything go, including the troublesome disease that was slowly eating away her talent. She didn’t want to admit it, but every day became harder.

After what seemed like hours of Sarah painting, a knock came at her door, “Come in!” she yelled.

Liam entered with a two full grocery bags, “Good afternoon.”

Sarah quickly turned, “Hey.” She simply said, his words from last night still reeling in her mind.

“What’chu up to?” He was quickly taking the items he brought to Sarah’s apartment, placing them on top of the kitchen counter.

“Finishing work, it’s been piling up.”

“Ahh, okay,” he stated, “Feeling okay today?”

Sarah wanted to say now, “Yes, I’m feeling good. You?”

“Yeah I’m okay,” Liam answered, slightly confused, “Mom asked if you wanna have dinner at the house today.”

Placing the brush down, she quickly headed to the kitchen to help with the groceries, “Sure, I’ve been craving her famous apple pie.”

Liam chuckled, “You’re in luck, she’s actually in the process of creating that master piece.”

“Master piece indeed,” she laughed. “Thanks for the groceries.”

Liam smiled, “No problem.”

“Anyways,” Sarah interjected, “I’ve come up with several ideas for your wedding.”

Liam, feeling a little bit miffed at the sudden change in subject quickly answered, “Oh, well Madeline’s still busy in LA, so we’ll have to wait for her to discuss it.”

“That’s fine,” Sarah answered, “Well I’ll hand you the folder later so you can at least look through it.”

Liam nodded, “Okay.”

“Okay, dinner’s ready,” Rosalie yelled over everyone’s conversation.

“Finally,” David answered, “I’m starving.”

Rosalie quickly gave her husband a kiss, while everyone else took their seat at the dinner table. Liam and Sarah sat by each other, not even realizing it due to them in deep conversation.

“This brings back so many memories,” Heather stated, “I still remember when these two were young, always by each other.” Tears were quickly filling her eyes, “I really miss this tradition.”

Everyone turned to look at Heather, smiling. It was in fact a tradition for the Philipp’s and Jameson’s to gather around once a week for dinner. They’ve always been the best of friends, and the family treated each other like one. It was a reminiscent moment for both, knowing despite the recent changes, their friendships still stood.

“Okay, we better start before my wife floods the whole table,” Jonathon spoke, “START THE FEAST!”

After everyone settled down to start a sudden knock at the door came. Liam stood up and headed towards the door.



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