Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“How long?” Liam asked after a moment of deep silence. His mind was reeling with questions that only the woman in front of him had answers too.

“Five years,” Sarah simply answered, “I was in my second year of college.”

“I-is that why you dropped out?”

It took a moment for Sarah to answer, “Y-yes.”

Liam stared at her feeling like the most horrible person in the world. How could he have been so blind, so stupid, and most of all so ignorant at the fact that the person who he had promised to protect was sick? The minute Sarah answered him, his heart shattered, broken into the pieces he had tried so hard to patch up. The woman standing in front of her was not only the person he truly loved but also the closest friend he had. The pain that ripped through his heart made it difficult for him to breathe and no matter how much he clutch to it the pain just seemed to go through.

“W-why didn’t you tell me sooner?” was all he could ask at the moment. Both still stood facing each other.

Sarah faced him, her eyes filled with tears and most of all regret, “I-I didn’t want you to worry Liam. You had your life, I-I couldn’t ruin that by telling you.”

“You would not have ruined my life Sarah,” Liam answered still a bit angry. “I would have gone back and be there for you.”

Sarah shook her head, “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you Liam. You would have come back and I didn’t want that. You were finally reaching you’re dreams, I could never have handled seeing you failing like I did.”

“You were important to me Sarah,” Liam dejected still angry, “You didn’t trust me in helping you. You didn’t believe in me.”

“How could I?” Sarah asked growing angrier, “You left me Liam, left me without a single explanation or even a goodbye. I was alone, angry, and broken. I would have supported you on your dreams. I would have been there with you a hundred percent. But you’re the one that didn’t trust me. You made the decision on your own.”

“And I regret every second of it,” Liam replied, “I had hoped to explain everything to you when I settled in Los Angeles. I was ecstatic, I knew you would understand. And then suddenly you distanced yourself from me. What was I supposed to do?”

“You could have tried Liam,” Sarah answered forcefully raising her hands towards the man who stood in front of her, “You didn’t try. You…didn’t…try…at…all.”

“YES I DID,” Liam dejected angrier now, “I came back, I even planned to quit the movie just so I could be with you. But you left. Heather said you moved to New York.”

“So am I supposed to be glad that you came back?” Sarah asked sarcastically, “I left because of you. What was I supposed to feel when you left? Happy? Elated? Supportive? You didn’t even tell me you were leaving. God I was so stupid, walking into your home expecting you TO BE THERE. You couldn’t even face me. Was I really that possessive for you? Were you that eager to get away from me? To get away from the girl you had promised to always be there for?”

“It was a once in a lifetime dream Sarah,” Liam mumbled, “I made a rash decision by myself. I didn’t do it to get away from you, I would never do that.”

“Well you did,” Sarah replied calming a little, “You made me feel so low.”

It hurt Liam to hear such harsh words coming from Sarah. He didn’t mean to make her feel so unwanted when he left. He had regretted leaving without a single goodbye to her. He had lost the only person that made him happy.

“I’m deeply sorry Sarah,” Liam apologized, “I know it won’t matter anymore, but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for deciding for myself and leaving you. I regret everything I did. I was stupid, rash, and ignorant of your feelings. I took you for granted.”

For the first time, Sarah smiled. Smiled that genuine smile she had kept hidden for the past seven years. She had forgiven Liam a long time ago but hearing his apology just calmed her. It made her feel whole again. And most of all it had made her feel alive.

“Sarah, a-are you going to…” Liam suddenly tried to asked, but the words seemed to just crumple away.

Sarah knew what he was about to ask even though he hadn’t finished, “Everyone dies Liam, Parkinson’s just shortens my life a bit.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not fatal,” she lied. Parkinson’s wasn’t fatal to others but hers was. “If I just go through the treatment I can live ten to twenty years more.”

“That’s it?” Liam asked. He was annoyed at how Sarah seemed to accept such fact. “A-are you seeking treatments?”

Sarah simply nodded, “Yes, it’s a manageable disease Liam.”

Liam breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Sarah’s words. Even though he was still a little bit angry at Sarah for keeping it from him, he’s glad to have known it now. “I want to be there with you.”


“I want to be there for you,” Liam repeated, “This time I want to be there to help you.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Sarah replied, “It’ll only tire you.”

Liam shook his head immediately, “No, it won’t. I’ve missed five years of not being by your side throughout this, this time I want to show you that I really do care for you.”

Sarah knew it was wrong to feel so wanted again, but Liam just made her feel that way. “But if you get tired your welcome to walk away, I won’t stop you.”

“I’ll never walk away,” Liam answered.

He was sure of it.

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