Chapter 2

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New chapter, enjoy!

Chapter 2

Seven years later….

            “He should be here by now,” Rosalie stated as he searched for his son through the airport. After seven years, Liam was finally going back home.

            “Don’t worry hon, he promised he’ll be home this year,” David replied while giving his wife a sideways hug and kissing her forehead. Many never would have thought that the once divorce couple of Smaulberry would get back together. Two years after Liam moved out, the two met again and dated. Still utterly in love with one another, Rosalie and David remarried and from then on lived a happy couple life.

            “I just hope he won’t break his promise this time,” Rosalie stated suddenly feeling sad again.

            “Don’t worry honey, he’ll be here this time,” David assured Rosalie.

            The two continued to search for their son, hoping he actually showed up. Unknown to the both of them, Liam was already outside the airport and was currently searching for his parents. Knowing there would be a mob once they see him, his manager had made prior arrangements to have Liam be escorted in another exit. His fiancé was currently in the restroom, powdering her nose. Liam could still not believe that after seven years, he was finally heading home. After all the work, he was finally granted a break. Ready to leave and rest, Liam quickly took out his cell and dialed his mom’s cell number.

            “Hey mom,” Liam greeted as soon as Rosalie answered, “I’m outside of the airport, in the other exit.”

            “Okay honey we’re headed that way,” Rosalie answered, “See you soon.”

            Liam quickly hanged up and took a sit on the benches. He searched around the familiar place he hasn’t been to in over seven years. Granted it was slightly different now, but the familiar closeness of the towns’ people still lingered. He was glad to be home now. Liam has missed everything about his old town. He still clearly remembers the time he wanted to leave this place and never again look back, but as the time he spent away went on Liam couldn’t help but want to go back. He missed the closeness, the morning routines of the people, and most of all he missed the days when he would wake up and be greeted by the girl he dreamt of being with for the rest of his life. Sadly for him, it wouldn’t come true. When he received the letter from Sarah a few months after he had left, he was heartbroken. He could still not fathom the idea that Sarah didn’t love him. No matter how much he begged and tried to explain, Sarah heard none of it. And hearing from his own parents that Sarah was dating again just after a week they had broken up made him angry. What Liam didn’t know though, was that Sarah felt betrayed by his actions. He left her without a single explanation. He left her without a single goodbye.

            “LIAM!” a familiar voice suddenly yelled. Liam turned to see his mother making her way towards him followed by his father. Liam quickly hurried towards Rosalie and gave her a huge hug.

            “Mom!” Liam greeted still hugging his mother.

            “Oh my goodness!” Rosalie happily replied after being placed down on the ground again, “You’re finally home!”

            Liam smiled and quickly gave his father a hug too, “Well I decided to take a break.”

            “How long are you staying?” Rosalie couldn’t help but asked. She had missed her son so much.

            “Well I was planning on staying ‘til next year, after the wedding,” Liam admitted. Rosalie stood confused.

            “What wedding?”

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