Chapter 1

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New story guys.

Chapter 1

Sarah Jameson quietly sat in a bench shaded by a nearby sycamore tree reading the latest book she had picked up in her small town’s library. Unknown to her, a boy was lurking around the bushes preparing to scare her.

She happily read her copy of “Wuthering Heights” enjoying the way the story was rolling. Sarah has always loved books, especially the classics. She enjoyed the flow of the stories and sometimes even wished her love story would be somehow like those in the books.

“BOO!” a sudden voice called out to her. Sarah jumped ten feet in the air, truly frightened by the frightening voice.

“LIAM PHILLIPS!” Sarah screamed at the suspect, “You almost gave me a heart attack!”

The boy laughed while taking a seat next to Sarah. He turned to face her and quickly gave her a kiss in the cheek. “It was too tempting not to scare you.”

“You always do that!” she replied slightly miffed at Liam’s prank. “I really need to get revenge one of these days.”

Liam smiled once more admiring Sarah, “What are you reading this time?”

            Sarah quickly lifted her book to show Liam, “Wuthering Heights.”

            “Ahh I’ve read that one,” Liam answered taking the book from her and quickly glancing at the thick book, “We read this in English.”

            “You actually read?” Sarah joked knowing Liam loathed reading.

            Liam playfully glared at her, “This hottie right here isn’t just physical appearance Sarah, it has brains too.”

            “Bull!” Sarah blurted and making a run for it knowing Liam would find a way to revenge his pride.

            Liam smiled and quickly chased after Sarah. The two ran around the sycamore three, the bushes, the benches, and finally the school garden. Sarah ran as fast as she could but knew it would be of no use since Liam ran faster.  She was quickly tacked by Liam, both of them falling to the grassy soil. He tickled her until she could take no more.

            “Okay, okay, I give up!” Sarah yelped as she tried to get away from Liam’s tight hold and very powerful tickles.

            Liam laughed and let go. He quickly stood up and helped Sarah. “Boo.”

            Sarah patted her dress clean and turned to glare at the whiny boy in front of her, “You know I’m very ticklish.”

            Liam nodded, “I know and that’s what makes it fun.”

            “Jerk,” Sarah mumbled, “Ready to go home?”

            He nodded, “Yeah, coach just wanted to say goodbye to his track stars.”

            Sarah giggled, “I still can’t believe were graduating in a few days.”

            “I know right?” Liam agreed making their way to the school’s parking lot. They both headed towards his car. “It’s been hell this past four years, I’m ready to say goodbye.”

            Sarah shook her head, “You make it so obvious.”

            “Hey it’s not my fault,” Liam stated, “This town’s just too small for me and don’t forget boring too. I want to move out into the city and actually live my life.”

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