Chapter 12

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New chapter. I'm still catching up to this story and rearranging some things. I might end up editing CH 11 and 12...hmmm :/

Reviving the Heart Chapter 12

“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” –Emerson

The woman he had not thought about for a long time was finally back. The familiar face and smile he knew he had lived with for a long time has now appeared before him ready to take him away. How could he, a being so unsure of what he wants be facing the possible mistake he could commit to? Was it wrong to lie and be with her? Or is it guilt that’s tearing him apart? Yet he knew that leaving the one he truly loved meant discovering himself, but was it worth it? Knowing her days are counted and that any day, she too could disappear, is it worth it?

 He knew it was wrong for him to think this way yet being with Sarah brought back so much for him. Marriage, a life time commitment he was soon to make, and the woman standing in front of him. Madeleine, could change all that.



The voice brought him back to reality, finally realizing Madeleine had been calling his name, “Madeleine?”

She smiled, “Yes, aren’t you going to let me in?”

He stumbled for a moment, catching his thoughts abruptly, “Oh, sorry, come in.” He welcomed her in his home leading her directly to the dining table where everyone awaited. “You’re back so early.”

She smiled that alluring smile once more, “Yeah, the parts been settled, I’ll be filming in a couple of days.”

“Oh,” Liam simply said. Once the duo reached the dining room, all eyes were on them.

“Madeleine!” Rosalie practically screamed.

“Hello Rose,” she replied realizing she was intruding, “Sorry for coming back an announced.”

Rosalie smiled, “It’s not a problem honey, come join us.”

Sarah looked mortified at the sudden presence of Madeleine. For one moment she had forgotten about her, but realizing her selfishness quickly stood from where she sat, “Here Madeleine, come take my seat.”

Liam turned to face her, hurt clear in his eyes, “You don’t have to.”

Both Sarah and Madeleine faced him, yet it was Sarah who answered first, “No, it’s okay, I’m about to leave anyways.”

“You’re leaving?” Madeleine asked slightly confused, “Already?”

Sarah simply nodded and put her best effort to smile, “Yes, I’m really sorry, but something actually just came up. I have to go.”

Everyone knew she was lying, including Liam, yet he made no notion to change her mind. Sarah quickly turned to face the parents, signaling them that she was alright.

“Well, I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow,” she replied placing her napkin down at the table. She quickly gathered her things making her way to the front door begging God to stop Liam from following her. And sure enough her wish came through.

Dinner for the most part was uneventful, due to the fact that almost everyone at the table worried about Sarah. Liam himself could not forgive himself for not following her. He was a coward and he knew it.

After dinner, both Heather and Jonathon made their way home still worried about their daughter’s current situation. Rosalie and David on the other hand quickly cleaned up the kitchen and made excuses that they were both tired. It may have seemed a little bit rude that they paid little attention to Madeleine but thought it was for the best.

“So honey, I was thinking between filming I start on the wedding plans,” Madeleine stated after finally settling in the patio seats, “I can divide my time between the movie and the wedding, if you want.”

Liam simply nodded, feeling exhausted from the awkward dinner. “Honey, are you okay?” Madeleine asked.

Liam nodded, “Yeah I’m okay, tired I guess.”

“You seemed a bit preoccupied,” she stated, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

He nodded once more, “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine to me,” she dejected feeling hurt, “What’s wrong?”

Liam turned to face her, “Nothing’s wrong.”

Madeleine still seemed suspicious, “You don’t look very excited to see me.”

“It’s not that,” Liam answered too quickly, “Just caught me off guard.”

“Off guard for what?” she stated slightly annoyed.


“It can’t be just nothing,” she repeated now fuming. She quickly turned to face her fiance, “What’s wrong with you?”

Liam sighed, “I told you, it’s nothing.”

Annoyed, Madeleine quickly dropped the subject, “Fine. If you don’t wanna talk about it then fine.”

Liam felt guilty for being so cold towards Madeleine. He wanted to warm up to her, but thoughts about Sarah flooded through his mind. “How’s LA?”

“It was fine,” replying after a moment, “Hot as always.”

“When do you start filming?”

“No actual date yet, still finalizing the contract.”

“That’s good.”

“Oh I almost forgot,” Madeleine answered facing  Liam once again, “Remember the park you used to talk about?”

“Griffith?” Liam replied knowing all too well, “What about it?”

“Well I’ve learned from Theresa that park wedding are so very much trendy this year,” she boasts, “I want to have our wedding there.”

“At Griffith?” Liam asked confused, “You’ve always hated that idea.”

“Well, I’ve thought about it and I kind of like it.”

“Are you sure?” Liam questioned, “This isn’t one of your rash decisions is it?”

“No!” she exclaimed annoyed by his lack of excitement to the news, “It’s not a rash decision, I just thought since you liked that park and that Sarah’s work would be perfect for the venue that maybe an outdoors wedding would be the way to go, yet here you are not trusting me.”

“It’s not because of that,” he answered, “I just don’t want you to regret it.”

“Regret?” she asked, “I’m marrying you, I have nothing to regret.”

Her words struck him. Liam knew he was not only hurting Sarah but Madeleine too. “Okay.”

Madeleine looked confused, “Okay?”

Liam turned to face her, “Okay, outdoors wedding it is.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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