babes i cried today.

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Crying in bed at times was not an irregular occurrence with Korekiyo.

And obviously concerned, Rantaro would ask what the matter was.

"I got g noted."


"I'm sitting in my room BLASTING my chemical romance, when my SISTER yells 'turn that garbage down.' BLACK eyeliner STREAMS down my face. No one understands me.... Being 18 is harder than anything else, but, at least I have Gerard Way..."

not actually LMAO.

"I sometimes can't help myself but to feel jealous of Miyadera. I believe it's quite pathetic."

"You aren't pathetic, you're sister was just a bitch who wants your life revolved around her."

Korekiyo looked up, smiling under the velvet across his face in agreement.

They spent all night eating chocolate.

And maybe also a bit of fingering when they lay in bed.

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