nail painting

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Model Rantaro au.

Korekiyo pov:

Rantaro was having a sleepover for all of his friends in the class. I'm happy he thinks I'm his friend, but I'm scared to go. I'll mess up somehow. I always do. 

He secretly took his dads limo when he was home alone to pick us all up and he would arrive for me in an hour. He's lucky to be so perfect. Rich, hot, popular. The opposite of me. 

Oh god, I look awful. My hair is messy. I have dark circles under my eyes. I'm not wearing make up. I should probably use this hour to at least try and look decent, even if I am unmotivated, I don't want him to think I'm ugly. Why do I even care if he thinks I'm ugly? I don't know. Humanity is weird.

I showered and brushed my hair and tried to make my makeup look good.

I heard the beeping of a car and looked out the window to see Rantaro in his car. I sighed and decided to get the night over with. 

- in the car - 

Rantaro played loud music in the car. I liked his music. Not that sister would like me listening to this, she would kill me. But she's dead now. It doesn't matter, but it does at the same time. I'm so weird, it's hard to believe Rantaro would want me with him.

We arrived. Huge mansion. Why does he want an ugly skank in his house. That's what sister used to call me.

Rantaro took us all to his room. Everyone was talking, but everyone just seemed to be blurry. Apart from Rantaro. I like Rantaro. He is very nice to me.

I stared into space and thought about how dumb I probably looked. Everyone else here was pretty, yet I wasn't. Boys are so pretty. I wish I was a pretty boy like them. A pretty boy like Rantaro.

Kokichi, also dragging along Shuichi, Gonta, Kiibo, Ryoma and Kaito went to steal food out of Rantaro's fridge, which his mother was somehow fine with. That left me alone with pretty boy, great.

"Your cute, staring at us all like that. Your so mysterious, nobody knows what your thinking." That's what I heard as I suddenly noticed Rantaro was waving his hand in my face to get my attention. 

"Oh uh, I apologise." I said, looking away.

"Don't be sorry... I should be, I think I scared you."

Fuck. Having a pretty boy notice you staring at him is very, very scary. I don't know how Rantaro knew that though, I think he is straight.

"No, you don't have to be sorry. I was being stupid. I should of been talking to everyone like a normal person would, not staring."

"You're funny Kiyo. Not everyone is good at talking, that doesn't make them not normal." Rantaro chuckled, and started to play with Korekiyo's hair as they spoke.

He thinks I'm funny? Yeah, he's pretty, but I didn't know he was stupid. You can only be funny in our school if you can bully someone to tears, that's what Junko and her friends think anyway. Though I would never ever be able to make someone cry, I'm too scared to.

"What are you thinking about?" Shit, I was staring at him again.

Why does he not think I'm weird?

"Am I ugly?" Why did I say that. I wish I could just shut up for longer and not say random stuff. Yes, I was thinking of that but I could of just made up some lie.

"Kiyo, you're literally so beautiful. Why would you ever think you're ugly?"

"I just don't feel pretty." Why am I still talking? Yes, I really like deep, emotional conversations with people I like, but that's just weird. I probably sounded like a hoe.

"Well, I don't see why you would think that, but I want you to feel pretty. You're my friend.." Rantaro then held my hand and guided me to this really big room. It was full of make up, and accessories and clothes. I don't know why I was so surprised, he is a model after all.

"What colour?" He asked. I had been staring, staring, staring again and hadn't realised he had gotten out some nail polish and nail files.

"Um well uh..." I didn't know what to say. "Can I have them painted black."

"Of course you can Kiyo." Rantaro bought out some black nail polish and then held my hand.

"May I take them off, if that's fine with you?" He was talking about my bandages.

"Yeah, it's fine."

He slowly unravelled them, and held my hand to make it easier for him to paint my nails, and started applying the nail polish on them. 

I stared at his hands as he coloured my nails. His fingers were painted too, a light pink colour. It was very pretty and it went well with the silver rings he wore. Oh god, why am I thinking about his hands? Do I have a hand fetish? Maybe I do. I'm such a fugly slut. {A/n, Marc totally didn't copy that from the burn book in mean girls.}

"Do you like them?"

I stared at my nails. They were pretty. "Yes, yes I do."

"I'm glad you're feeling better now. Just know you aren't ugly and I'm always here for you." He smiled at me. people don't smile around me a lot. They don't like me. But I like Rantaro. And I like his smile. 

"Are you painting nails? I didn't know boys could do that. Isn't that for girls?"

We both looked over to the door, were we heard Kaito's voice from. Everyone else had found us. God they must think I'm really weird now, liking something as girly as nail painting.

"Actually, according to my research, paints - specifically in this case paints that are applied to nails - do not have a gender." God Kiibo always had some sort of research to save me.

"Yeah." Rantaro said.


"Well... can I have my nails painted? Can they be purple? Please." Kaito said.

"Of course you can. We should all feel pretty."

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