Chapter 8

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Hattie’s POV

Why do Cheerios taste better dry from a small container then in the actual bowl? I was contemplating this while eating a bagel and cream cheese with some mixed fruit. Otto’s Mom had breakfast all ready when I came down this morning. So while I waited for Otto and Marty to finish their meeting, probably about the guy who broke in last night, I ate breakfast.

Otto’s Mom Klaira, who I remember from the diner that first day I got here to New York, has been wonderful. After I finally finished giving my statement last night, or this morning depending on your way of thinking, I fell asleep in Marty’s truck. Marty carried me in, I guess and she helped put me to bed. As I never woke up I don’t remember any of this.

When I woke up this morning I wasn’t sure where I was so I tried speaking to Marty through the link. Ok I screamed at him in my head not sure if he would be able to hear me. He actually responded back to me in my head. I was so freaked out I screamed and grabbed my head. He only said he would be there in a minute but I was not expecting an answer back. He ran into the room holding a gun up and ready. When he saw I was in no danger he turned toward me still standing in the middle of the room.

“Are you ok? Why did you scream?” He tucked the gun in the waist band of his pants. I was happy to see he hadn’t had the chance to put his shirt on yet. All eight little bumps begging to be oogled. Mmmm. He cleared his throat.

“Oh.” I cleared mine as well. So distracted, I wonder if I can convince myself it is OK to have one little touch. He cleared his throat again. So I looked at his face and kept my eyes up. “Yeah what?”

He laughed and folded his arms over his chest. My eyes had never wanted to look down as bad as they did at that moment. “Why did you scream?”

“Um you talked to me in my head. I was a little freaked.” I pushed my hair back and tossed the blanket off of my legs. As I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt my legs were bare so it was my turn to clear my throat as he was just staring at my legs.

He shook his. “Wait you heard me?”

I nodded getting confused too. “I did. Have you ever tried to talk to me before that way?”

“No.” He seemed lost in thought then shook his head. “Are you ready to go down for breakfast?”

“Not quite. Do you think there are some clothes I could borrow from someone? I would also love a shower.” I ran my hand through my hair hoping I could borrow a hairbrush too.

“There should be some stuff in here somewhere. Klaira always keeps extra stuff in here. So take a look around in here and you should find something that will work. The bathroom should be stocked too.” He opened the closet and I saw it was a walk in closet with all different types of clothes. Men’s clothes on one side, with women’s on the other.

“Thanks. I could just meet you down stairs when I am done?” He was staring again so I cleared my throat.

“Sure the stairs are to the right. Just go all the way down and the kitchen is at the end of the hall straight ahead.” He came over and sat on the bed next to me and leaned over towards me with his hand behind my back. “You should wear shorts more often.”

I smiled. “I will see what I can do.”

He got up after kissing me on the head. He turned to get one more look at my legs and closed the door behind him.

I shook my head. Boys will be boys. I made my way to the attached bath to get a shower. Everything I could possibly need and more was waiting for me. The bathroom like the bedroom was simple but nice with tan neutral colors as the theme. The walls were the same light tan in the bedroom and the bath with matching carpet and tile. I made use of the shower stall and found a simple summer dress with a light sweater in the closet. Of course my legs were showing for Marty’s benefit.

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