Chapter 25

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Sorry once again for the delay but I wanted to make it longer for you so you wouldn’t have to wait for the good part towards the end.

Now I am wondering if you would like to help me name the babies!!! I would need to girl names and two boy names. Remember Andi’s baby needs a name too. So help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Lastly, I am over 12,000 reads which is awesome but my votes and comments are low so I am slightly confused. Is the story only good enough to read but not good enough for a vote? If that is the case let me know why it isn’t good enough for votes. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! I want ot make this story the best it can be for you so feedback really helps.

Hattie’s POV

“You better be out of the shower Marty because I am getting cleaned up before these cubs come!” I yelled as I walked into our room holding my stomach.

“I’m out Hun what’s going on?” He took one look at me and his eyes widened. “Really? I leave you alone for a few minutes and your water breaks.” He came rushing over to me putting his arm around my waist, as he helped me to the bathroom he started rubbing my stomach.

“A good shower is what I need then can you help me get down to Franny’s office? I think she will want us both down there as we are both having the cubs today. Ow OW!” Damn contractions. What I wouldn’t give for an epidural.

“Breathe Hattie just keep breathing it will end soon.” Marty was going to get hit.

“No it won’t stop not until these cubs are out. So don’t tell me to breathe unless you are looking for a black eye!” He looked shocked at my outburst but I didn’t care I want a shower!

He helped me into the bathroom sitting me on the toilet as he turned the water on for me. He took his shirt off and then his pants. He came over to me helping me strip too eyeing my breasts which were huge. Licking his lips I smacked his head. “You don’t get to play with them so snap out of it.”

Smiling way too seductively he said, “I will tomorrow.” Kissing my lips quick he helped me up to finish getting my clothes off. Chucking his boxers he washed me from head to toe, paying way more attention than was truly necessary to me breasts. Men really. I am in labor and he was playing with my breasts. GRRRRRRR! I swatted his hands away and finished cleaning up. After getting dressed in a night shirt and my robe we made our way down to Franny’s office of course with a contraction or two thrown in for fun.

“Hello you two, why don’t we put you two out here as we will need the extra room for the cubs. Andi will be in the side exam room for privacy.” Franny greeted us as we walked in the door dressed in scrubs. There were also two women dressed in scrubs also I had not met yet. They were waiting to the side of the room fussing over the other bed which was set up away from the wall sectioned off for each baby. They had everything set up from a place to clean them up to a place for them to sleep if someone wasn’t holding them.

“Thanks Franny.” I offered a warm smile as well which turned into a grimace as a contraction started.

“Hattie! That was a quick one why don’t we you onto the bed.” Once the contraction ended he helped me onto the bed made up for me.

“Ok let’s take a look to see how far along you are.” Franny took a look and asked, “When did the contractions start?”

“About an hour ago.” I answered.

“They are raring and ready to go that is for sure. You are already eight centimeters dilated so it shouldn’t be long now. Get comfortable and I will go see what is keeping Andi.” Franny said tossing her gloves in the garbage and walking out the door.

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