Chapter 6

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Hattie’s POV

“Have a goodnight Hattie.”

“You too Marty. Bye.” With that I hung up.

After hanging up with Marty I decided to go see Patsy for help in what to wear tomorrow. Maybe she can perform a miracle with my current lack of a wardrobe. I made my way out to the front of the bakery to say bye to Frank. “Thanks for letting me use the phone Frank.”

“You can use the phone anytime Hattie. So did you just call the clinic or did Mr. Mate get a call too?” He tried to act casual but failed miserably.

“Yes I did talk to Marty. We are going out tomorrow evening in fact.”

“Well good to hear. Where are you two going?” Man his casual is horrible.

“Did Sally call and give you these questions to ask me?”

“Maybe. Ok yes she was curious and as she couldn’t be here to ask herself she asked me to. But I want to know too. So?”

“I didn’t ask but I promise to tell you on Wednesday, how is that?” I smiled at him and couldn’t help but wish he really was my father.

“Sounds perfect I will let Sally know we will get the full rundown Wednesday. That should appease her.” He chuckled.

“Well I am off to see Patsy. See you tomorrow morning.” I waved as I walked out the door. Fifteen minutes of what should have been a peaceful walk had me all in a jumble as to what we were going to do on this first date and what should I wear! I started walking faster hoping Patsy could talk some sense into me. As soon as I walked into the diner I looked around for Patsy but only saw Sam sitting at the counter and some other customers I didn’t know sitting at different tables. I sat down next to Sam and sighed.

“Sam, do you know what Marty has planned for our date tomorrow? I am completely at a loss as to what to wear and definitely need Patsy’s help yours too if you know what he has planned?” I had my hands together in front of me begging and tried for puppy dog eyes. He just laughed at me so I gave up and slouched in resignation. “Fine Patsy will help me.”

He nudged me and said “Come on don’t pout. It is so not attractive. Plus I don’t know for sure what he is planning but it will be something casual as he knows you didn’t come here with much.”

“Thanks for giving me something. Hey Patsy!” Patsy came out of the back with a smile on her face.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” She bowed to me when she finished talking.

I turned to Sam with a questioning look and whispered in his ear. “What the heck is she on?”

He leaned over and whispered back. “Nothing actually but she has been reading a bunch of historical romances novels lately. She needs a date or her mate, I and not sure which will do the trick but she needs something.”

“Just because I enjoy a good book doesn’t mean I need a man in my life. I certainly wouldn’t turn my mate away but I certainly don’t need a date to keep my mind off of when I will finally meet him. Or if I will still be able to bare children by the time I finally do meet him.” She sighed a grumpy look on her face.

“Oh Patsy you will meet him don’t worry. I bet he is looking everywhere for you.” I patted her hand and changed the subject. “Speaking of mates what should I wear on my date with Marty tomorrow. Sam here said I should dress casual but I want to know what we are going to do and he won’t tell me.”

“Sam said something about the Herkimer Diamond Mine when he was talking on the phone. I was shaking my head like mad because, after being on your feet all day, who wants to go hike through a mine. No thank you.” She gave Sam a pointed look.

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