Chapter 9

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Hattie's POV

Marty got up early to drive me in to work as no one at the pack house goes in that early. With a coffee in hand he made the thirty minute drive to get me to work. He didn't put the coffee cup down once poor guy. "I am getting you a car to use. Spending time with you is great but this is just too early for me."

I laughed at that. “What, you need your beauty rest?"

"I had a little trouble sleeping last night. There was this girl I couldn't get out of head." He smiled and took another sip of his coffee.

"Oh is she pretty?" I smiled teasingly.

"No she's beautiful." He smirked and peeked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Hmm. Does she know you’re taken?" Hey who said that? Crap that was me. Maybe he won't notice I just staked my claim.

"Am I now?" He looked at me knowing the meaning of what I just said. “So whose am I,” his smile getting bigger.

“Mine ok? I admit defeat!” This darn mouth of mine gets me in more trouble. I was going to keep it to myself but after yesterday I couldn’t deny the way he makes me feel. Who could deny the one person that makes them feel like an angel, a comedian, a runway model, and so much more? He makes me feel that way and even though I don’t know him well I will take the time it get to know him. There was also this part of me that wanted to stake my claim on him. Like I needed to let the world know he was mine.

“I like the sound of that. Hi my name is Marty and I am Hattie’s. Yeah I like that.” He put the coffee cup down only long enough to grab my hand and place a kiss on the back of my hand. He put my hand back in my lap to grab his coffee again. I guess even my declaration wasn’t enough to wake him up. So Marty isn’t a morning person, so noted. His smile never wavered even after we pulled into the parking lot for the bakery.

I looked up at the door to my apartment. It was closed and looked fine. You wouldn’t know anything had happened two days ago. I am so not even going in the door alone. As we waited for Frank I thought of the few things that I needed to get out of the apartment. I think it will take all of ten minutes to get everything together.

Frank pulled into the parking lot so I went to open my door but Marty grabbed my arm. “Wait until he gets out of the car to make sure it is him.” I nodded. So we waited until Frank got out then got out ourselves. Frank came right over to me and gave me a hug.

“We were so worried. Sally is making a special lunch for you today so be prepared.” He leaned back and looked at me. “You be careful from now on you got it. You stay safe.”

“”I will do my best Frank. I never want to be that scared again.” I gave him another hug because it felt so comforting the first time. He hugged me back and patted my back.

“Thanks for bringing her in for us she helps more than we thought she would when we hired her. Oh Sally will be in before we open to cover the front door in case anyone strange comes in. So of course all doors will be locked until then.” Frank said to Marty as he stepped back but left one of his arms  around me.

“Thanks Frank. I will see you when your shift is over so we can get your stuff.” He said to me then leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“Ok see you later Marty.” With a small wave from me and a smile from him he got into his car and drove off as we made our way into the bakery. Frank was as good as his word and locked the door behind us.

“Ok let’s get to work.” Frank said and we did. Yesterday with Marty was great but getting back to normal here at work is good too. Frank is always fun to work with and seeing Sally was great too. Near the end of my shift Marty came into the back of the bakery.

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