Chapter 24

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Hattie’s POV

The cubs are coming and I have nothing ready. Well I have clothes for them but they don’t have cribs seeing as I just picked them out. They aren’t due for another month which brings some up some other issues, like are they going to be ok?

“So where is the phone? We need to call Franny and Sally. We also need to get those cribs ordered with express shipping not to mention bedding.” I clapped my hands. “Patsy please call Franny and Sally. Sorry Emma I think you are on your own again. Andi, why don’t we go take a shower and get something to eat before we actually go into labor.” I grabbed the laptop. “I will get the cribs and bedding ordered while I eat.”

“Good idea Hattie. The guys are on the way and I could really use something to eat so why don’t we eat first.” It may be only ten in the morning but pregnant women can eat whenever they want so there!

We made our way downstairs to see Sarah giving Cullen a snack. Walking up to Cullen I kissed his head. “You are not going to the youngest in the house anymore by tomorrow little man.” I stood up smiling at Sarah.

“What are you talking about?” Sarah looked between Andi and me confusion written all over her face.

“Leola spilled the beans we are both having the cubs today. It’s a Teleios thing.” I walked over to the fridge to check out what there was to eat. “We thought it would be a good idea to get something to eat and maybe a shower before the fun begins.” I grabbed the milk and leftovers from last night. I held them up for Andi’s approval and she nodded.

As I was putting our snack together Sarah just shook her head and went back to feeding Cullen his snack. As I put the snack on the table the guys came in the back door.

“Did we make it back in time?” Marty asked huffing and puffing. He saw us sitting at the table with our snack and looked so confused it was hilarious. They must have thought we were actually in labor. Ha poor guys.

Looking at Andi I asked, “So you weren’t very specific as to when we were having the cubs were you?”

She started laughing and shook her head. “Sam kept asking what was happening but I kept ignoring him. He was getting more and more agitated so I kept it up. It was funny.” She shrugged while Sam’s mouth was hanging open in utter disbelief.

“Since when do you have such a mean streak?” I had to ask which just made her laugh again.

“Always I guess I love a good joke.” She winked at Sam who grunted walking over to her picking her up off her chair and placing her on his lap.

Nuzzling her neck he said, “That is so sexy.” We all just laughed.

“Didn’t think to let me in on things yourself?” Marty asked me sitting next to me and stealing my milk after kissing my cheek of course.

“Nope I was thinking about food and what needed to be done so we are ready when we go into labor.” I said taking a bite. “Which reminds me can you boot the laptop up? I still need to order the cribs and bedding.”

“If you pick something out that is at one of the local stores I am sure Logan and Patsy can go get them. Maybe even have the cribs set up before the cubs are born.” He said turning the computer towards me.

“That is a great idea.” I said starting my search of the cribs that the store has in stock while I was eating.

I could just hear Andi whisper to Sam, “Want to know how to get labor to start?” He nodded and then I couldn’t hear her reply but Sam picked her up and walked out of the room carrying her. I could only guess why they left but I had a good idea.

“What happened to them?” Marty asked confused.

“Andi just asked Sam to help her go into labor.” He looked even more confused so before he could ask I said, “She suggested they have sex to get labor to start.” I laughed when he started looking at me like he thought that was a great idea. “Don’t even go there, I am hoping that they don’t come today because they are way too early.”

“Why does he get all the fun?” He looked so sad.

“If you are good I will let you turn me right after the cubs first feeding is over so I should be changed and recovered by tomorrow night?” I trailed off raising my eyebrows. He leaned over and kissed me with all of his pent up lust. “Yeah maybe now is ok anyway?” I asked breathless when he finally let me up for air.

“No you are right I can wait another day... Maybe.” He sighed rather dramatically and said, “I need a cold shower I will see upstairs.” He kissed me hard barging right into my mouth with his tongue stealing my breath. When he broke away all I could think about was one more day that’s all I have to wait, just one more day.

I watched him walk upstairs staring at my favorite part of him. You’ve got to love that backside. Shaking my head I looked back at the computer finding the exact crib I want is at the store but they only have one.

“Sarah, do you think one crib will be enough for a few days?” I looked over at her thinking maybe they could all sleep in the one crib until the other two cribs came in.

“I don’t see why not they should be small enough to all fit in the one crib.” She said feeding Cullen another cheerio. I added the crib to the cart and started my search of bedding.

“Perfect! Now to the bedding.” I started my search thinking the cubs are doing something to my stomach because it is starting to hurt like crazy. I found the bedding I liked and added it the order for Logan to pick up.

I stood up to put my dishes away but the pain got worse until I was clutching my enormous stomach doubled over because of the pain. When the pain had subsided and I could stand back up I felt liquid trailing down my leg.

“Sarah it’s starting!”

Logan’s POV

Those girls are on their own I will take my time getting all that I was asked to get. Then take my time again getting it all set up. I have no desire to be anywhere near the delivery room, for Patsy yes but that is it. So as the nice guys were helping me load up I was beyond pissed when I smelled a cat and not a normal house cat. When we were finished I said my thanks then turned to try to find the cat I smelled.

As I came to the corner of the building I could hear someone talking and as I couldn’t hear anyone answer I assumed he was on the phone. As I got closer I heard him say “Yes Mason, Logan is here at the store buying just one crib.” He paused and I strained to hear the other person but heard nothing. “Yes I think they are being born today.”

Damn they know. How do they know so much and how are they in town with no one knowing? “Yes Mason I will be expecting you tonight.” He clicked off and I knew I was going to be back to the pack house late because I am following the bastard. This is going to end at least for Hattie and our pack.

The guy took off down the streets until he came to the trees on the other side of town. He went into the trees shift I assumed. I did the same and followed his scent at a safe distance for about twenty minutes. When he got close to a town he shifted back and got dressed. Too bad we have to carry our clothes everywhere so inconvenient.

I stayed in the trees watching as he walked in the back door of a motel. Gotcha chump. I opened my phone to call Otto. Daddy dearest you are going down.

Escaping to a New Life (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora