Chapter 3

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Hattie’s POV

After sleeping so well that night I was raring and ready to go the next morning. I was showered and waiting for Frank at a quarter to five when I saw someone walking towards me. I was definitely a little nervous as I couldn’t see him and it was still dark out. When I could finally see his face he looked to be in his mid-twenties with short black hair and brown eyes. He had a small smile on his face as he approached.

“Hattie I presume? I am Sam I used to work here with Sally and Frank before I graduated college a few years back. He extended his hand for a shake and I returned the gesture. “I am here to help you and Frank with some large orders that came in at the last minute.” With a sigh I returned his smile.

“Hi Sam thanks for the help. I didn’t know you were coming as I had yesterday off but thanks none the less.” He seemed OK. Hopefully he is as great as everyone else I have met so far.

“So after the teacher got off the floor she said we were no longer welcome in Home Economics and to go to the office to change our schedules.” He chuckled

“Oh Sam you are killing me with these stories. I think I have a stich in my side. I can’t believe you had an oil fight in class, your poor teacher. Tell me another one.” I said as I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

“Let’s see? This one was fun. At lunch one day we were minding our own business when a girl from our grade went up to the table next to us to ask some douchebag out. Well she was being all cute and sweet and he started laughing at her. The poor girl is just about to start crying when Marty jumps up and starts yelling about how dare she leave him and so on. He stands right next to the douchebag and starts whipping his hands around like he is talking with his hands while he is talking to the girl. He ends up hitting the guy in the face maybe six times. The guy finally gets up and tries to start a fight with Marty but I jumped up and started yelling too. The douche’s face was bright red with anger and probably humiliation so he ran away like a baby.”

“Wow that is awesome. I wish you guys had gone to my high school. We could have used a couple of guys like you.” I can think of a couple times when a couple of knights in shining armor would have been a big help in my high school days. “What happened next?”

“After the douche left we asked her if she wanted to sit with us and talk it out nice and loud to keep up the charade. She said yes so she sat with us the rest of the year at lunch. She was and is really cool. Not my type but we became friends and we still are to this day, including Marty.”

“Did all of this really happen because nothing like that ever happened at my school?” I chuckled thinking about the guy getting hit in the head.

“That all really happened. Marty and I used to torture each other with all sorts of things like that. We may not be related but we have always been best friends. Our Mom’s would treat both of us like we were theirs. It was great except when we got into trouble we got yelled at twice.” He chuckled.

“Sounds like you had a great time growing up with Marty. It would certainly be interesting to see you two together.” I said.

“You can if you would like there is a party this Sunday that we are both going to. You should come. It will be great! We are cooking out and there will be some volleyball and other games going on and just hanging out. The weather is supposed to cooperate and go back to the seventies with sunshine.” He folded his hands and mouthed the words please over and over.

“I already have plans to go to a party with Patsy on Sunday. Sorry.” That would have been fun and taken my mind off of everything that is going on. I almost feel sad that I won’t get to go, like I am supposed to be with Sam and Marty for some reason. I rubbed my chest as I felt a little pressure.

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