Chapter 16

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Marty’s POV

Not everyone can get into another’s mind like I can. Most shifters can see what you are thinking if you’re not blocking the intrusion. Me, I can go deeper. I can see the things you aren’t thinking about. The drawback is you can feel the intrusion not to mention, that it’s not really socially acceptable. I am going to be hunted down if someone finds out I did this? No but if I did this to say Frank I would be in big trouble with Otto and maybe kicked out of the pack.

So here I am sifting through Welkes mind, which is messed up. He has impregnated a few women who are dead except for one who he uses to take care of all 3 of his cubs. He has her locked up in Bedford, Indiana. I got a specific address that I could give Tank. From what I can tell in his mind they are still there guarded by 4 to 5 guards inside and out.

I kept searching to get everything I could from this piece of trash. He cheats on his taxes surprise surprise. The car he was driving wasn’t even his, another shocker. Pay dirt! There are more than just the group in Indiana, he doesn’t know where they are, just that there are more cats making Teleios shifters. Damn he doesn’t know where the main group in Indiana is let alone the others. This is not good.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket I call Tank as I make way back to the pack house. “Tank I have an address for you. An Adrian Welkes was caught trailing Patsy and Hattie. He was trying to take Hattie but we stopped him. Any way I was able to get through his barriers and I have an address where one woman and 3 cubs are being held.”

“Seriously? Man, give me the address we will get a team together to get them out of there.” Tank said.

I gave him the address then asked, “How is the other woman doing Tank, the one who got away?”

“She is doing ok but they keep coming after her. It is taking most of our men on shifts to keep her safe. I was going to contact you soon, to ask if she could come there until we can take these guys out.”

“I will bring it up to Otto when I get back to the pack house. I am going to assume you will want us to take the woman and cubs when you get them out too.” I asked waiting at the back door to the kitchen to finish talking to him.

“If you think you can keep them safe I would appreciate it. I don’t want to lose them again once we have them.”

“I will get back to you after I talk to Otto. Night.” I hung up and walked in the door. There at the table was the prettiest mate anyone could ask for. She was laughing with Patsy and Klaira about who knows what. They had a laptop on the table with pads of paper all over too.

“Hey your back!” Hattie jumped up as much as she is able with that belly of hers. I met her half way and wrapped my arms around her burying my face in her neck.

“You are a sight for sore eyes.” I said as I leaned back looking in the eyes brushing some stray hairs back from her face. I kissed the tip of her nose which made her laugh. That laugh if hers could melt the coldest of hearts.

“You too but you know you have only been gone hours not days right?” She pressed her lips to mine intending only a quick kiss but I had other things in mind. I deepened the kiss pulling her closer to me while backing her up against the fridge but couldn’t get as close as I wanted because of her stomach. I am turning her the moment those babies are born. Two months. I have to wait two months. Nope I will think of something because two months is not going to happen.

“How many days until Saturday?” I asked taking a deep breathe.

“Three.” She smiled pushing my hair back.

“I should cut it for Saturday, right?” I nipped at her bottom lip.

“Don’t you dare. I like your hair a little long like this. It gives me one more excuse to touch you.” She trailed her hands down the sides of my neck until her hands were resting on my chest. Then she did something I was not expecting from her. She cupped my chest like a man would normally do woman.

“So is that your favorite part of me now, has my ass gone down to number two?” I asked running my hands up and down her sides.

“No your butt will always have a special place in my heart.” She said grabbing my ass with both hands.

I smirked. “Mmhhh. I am glad you like it.” She just shook her head and stepped back pulling me with her to the table.

“Come one let me show what we have planned.” She proceeded to show me everything they have planned so far. “We still have a few details to work out but all you have to do is go to the tux rental place for you tux. Everything else is all planned out.”

“I am sure whatever you three decide will be perfect. All I ask is for you to marry me. Everything else is a bonus.” I kissed her cheek and stood up. “I am going to talk to Otto. I will see you at dinner as I think we will be talking for a while.”

“Dinner I got so caught up in planning. Ladies will you help me or dinner won’t be ready until really late.” Klaira said moving around the kitchen getting things out of the fridge and cupboards. I heard Hattie and Patsy say sure in unison as I walked out the door to meet with Otto. I hope he says yes to Tank. I would hate for those girls to be rescued only to taken again.

Hattie’s POV

We worked together for the next hour to get dinner ready. We were back down to the normal twenty\or so for dinner tonight. Sarah was MIA probably cleaning something or taking care of little Cullen. We are having tacos tonight so there is a lot of chopping going on. I do love tacos I wonder if she has sour cream. “Klaira do you have sour cream for the tacos? I love sour cream on my tacos.”

“Yes I do Hattie. It’s in the fridge.” Klaira said.

“I am not going near the fridge. I think they have marked as there’s now.” Patsy chuckled.

“What are you talking about?” I asked confused.

“Oh Marty I do so love your ass.” She turned back to us wrapping her arms around herself and making kissing sounds. She was also wiggling her butt around to pretending she was making out with someone.

“What are you doing?” Saved by the Logan!

“Teasing your sister. Her and Marty were pretty close to doin’ it in the kitchen earlier, right in front of Klaira and me.” She answered wrapping her arms around Logan instead or herself.

“Glad I missed it.” He said.

“Hey where’s the puppy?” I asked.

“I left him sleeping in my room. He was pretty tuckered out after playing all afternoon.” He answered.

“want to help with dinner?” Klaira asked.

“Aahh um well.’ He stuttered.

“Then get out you are distracting my help. If you aren’t going to replace them then let then help.” She said giving him a pointed look.

“Ok I am out of here. Does anyone know where Marty is, I wanted to talk to him?” He asked backing out of the room with his hands raised in surrender.

“He is in Otto’s office. They got some more information from that Welkes character.” I answered.

“Ok I will go see what is up. See you all at dinner.”

We got back to work and were finished just about six o’clock. I love how Klaira calls everyone to dinner, she just yells, “Dinner.” If you don’t hear then you are out of luck. Everyone made it tonight so no one is going hungry tonight. As we all started tucking into dinner Otto cleared his throat.

“I will eventually send out another pack message but for now I will let you all know so you can prepare. We will be protecting three Teleios cubs under the age of four and two women one of which is pregnant like Hattie. We will be setting up guard shifts for the pack house and around the area. We will also need to get some additional help from female members of the pack to help at the pack house as well. This is not going to be easy on any of us but we have learned that Indiana is not the only area where this is happening. They are making Teleios all over the world.” There were gasps of shock from around the tables. “We will need to work together to stop them. Not just with each other but with other packs around the world. If you have friends in different packs start calling them to get information but also, to let them know what is going here. We may have to ask for help to protect the woman and young once we start saving them.” There were nods from around the room. I smiled this will be hard but we will make it through.

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