Chapter 12

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Marty’s POV

I was dragged unceremoniously into the kitchen by my crazy mate. Klaira and Sarah were cooking dinner but it looked like we were having company because there was even more food than normal. “Hattie great I could use your help. Patsy and her whole family are coming to dinner. Patsy said she had some big news for Otto.”

There went spending time with Hattie this afternoon. “Sure Klaira. I have some news for everyone too. I will wait for dinner and share with everyone.” She went to the closet in the corner to grab an apron. ‘Marty don’t tell anyone either secret. Let’s make is a surprise for everyone.’ She thought to me. I love hearing her in my mind. I feel like she is inside me like we couldn’t get any closer. When she is finally turned the feeling will be tenfold because we will be able share more than words this way but feelings and images too.

‘I will keep quiet no worries’ “Hi Klaira Sarah how are two you doing?” I smiled. Klaira will say “Shoo Marty we have cooking to do and unless you want to help you better get out of here.” Today I might just stay. Normally I would run just like we always have. Otto, Sam and I would always be under foot in the kitchen eating whenever we could. So Klaira was always trying to get us out of the kitchen.

“Marty shoo unless you want to help?” She raised one eyebrow at me.

I raised both hands in front of me and shook my head. “No I am out of here. Let me kiss my girl and I will leave you ladies be.” I gave Hattie a quick kiss. ‘See you soon. Let me know if you need me.’ As I walked out the door Hattie said ‘Nice butt’ for only me to hear. I laughed out loud. She always catches me off guard.

I decided I might as well get some work done and went to Otto’s office. I knocked then entered. Otto looked up, nodded and went right back to what he was doing. I grabbed a laptop off the shelf and booted it up. I figured I might as well check on the stocks I bought yesterday and check the market. Everything looked good. It made more than I thought it would. So I sold it and put it into something safe until I found another stock to invest in. I checked my email to see if Tank has sent me any updates from Indiana but there was nothing. I closed out my email and turned off the computer.

“Otto anything you need done?” I asked needing something to do until dinner.

“You could run a perimeter for me so I can finish here.” I nodded and got up. Otto had double doors to a terrace in his office. I walked out and jumper over the railing. I jogged to the edge of the woods and stripped. I let the change take over until I was in my panther form. I sniffed the air and smelled nothing out of the ordinary. I started running towards the perimeter route and decided to go out just a little farther than normal just to be sure nothing is getting close. On my way around I came across a familiar scent. It was the one from Hattie’s apartment. So he hasn’t left the area. I followed his scent into our territory to see where he went. I was surprised to see his trail led right to Sam’s parent’s house. I have to report this to Otto.

I ran back as fast as I could and stayed in the cover of the trees. I got dressed and made my way back into his office. “Otto I found something. The same guy who broke into Hattie’s has been watching Sam’s parent’s house.”

“They must be getting close to some information then. We need to get them protection. I will set it up and let them know.” He grabbed his phone to set up the security detail as I waited patiently.

Before he could call Sam’s parents I said “You know they are coming for dinner right? Patsy has some big news she wants to share with everyone.” He looked like was going to talk so interrupted him. “Before you ask yes I know and no, I won’t tell you. I will say this though watch Sam when she tells us.” I smirked. I can’t wait to see his reaction. ‘Patsy is here. Are you two done?’ I heard the sweetest sound in my mind. I will never take that sound or the feeling I get when I hear her for granted. ‘We will be right out.’ Let the show begin.

Escaping to a New Life (Book One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें