Chapter 5

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Hattie's POV

Monday morning dawned nice and bright, after I have been awake for a couple hours. Yes note the sarcasm. I love to bake but getting up early is not so fun especially since it gives me an early start in thinking about Marty. I am no closer in figuring out what to do or how I feel about any of this. I just keep thinking I am too young, too messed up to be getting into anything serious with Marty but I want to anyway. My heart wants me to jump in with both feet but my head says nope you are nuts you just met him and he is a darn cat! I am just plain lost and possibly going a little crazy.

It is way too quiet without Sam around too. He has a way of making everything more fun but he is back to his regular job as a computer guy at some company. He certainly tried to explain what he did with computers to me but I never really know what people who work in computers do even when they tell me it goes right over my head.

I miss his stories mostly but now that I think about it his stories all had Marty in them. GGRRRRR, Marty again. I think he is stuck in my head permanently.

Seeing as we didn't have many orders Frank has been in the office all morning. This was just making me lonely and stuck in my own head. I was able to finish all the baking for the day by eleven and as Frank was in the office I went in to see what he wanted me to do next. "Hey Frank is there anything else you would like done? I finished all the baking."

"Really? Man you are so quick. Ok we can start training you on the decorating in a little while. First why don't we have an early lunch? Sally packed enough sandwiches and fruit for both of us and I can put a sign on the door so we get a real lunch break."

"Frank she didn't need to do that I have food at my place." They are both doing so much for me already I can't understand why they keep doing more.

"Too bad, as your boss I am calling it a mandatory meeting to discuss your training here at the bakery. Also to make sure you don't hurt my poor wife's feelings by not eating the lunch that she packed you." He said with a smile. Frank wrote a note for the front door then got up with his note and a piece of tape. He walked right to the front door with me trailing behind. He taped the note on the door which read "On a hot lunch date with my 2nd favorite girl! We will open again at noon."

"Great note Frank hopefully no one takes it seriously." I chuckled.

"No one who knows me will, everyone else? Who cares? You're my second favorite girl now so come on let's get you and those cubs fed." He offered me his arm and we went back into the office to get the lunch Sally packed. "So what do you think of our resident panther Marty?"

"I'm not sure yet I haven't known him long but he seems pretty great." As we walked into the office Frank got out some containers. "Sam told me some stories last week but he seemed totally different at the party than what I expected. From what Sam told me about him I was expecting a fun carefree guy but he seemed so serious, almost uptight." He put everything on a small table tucked in the corner of the office with two chairs. He held a chair out for me and I took my seat.

As Frank took his seat he explained "He is normally the life of the party right along with Sam but meeting your mate changes things for any shifter. In your case even more as you have been through so much and are pregnant. With telling your story yesterday and being human it is no surprise he was more reserved and serious. I think when he has time to get used to everything he will be back to his old self. Why don't you give him a call this afternoon right after you call the clinic to cancel your appointment?" He then wagged his eyebrows at me suggestively which made me laugh.

"Thanks Frank I was going to ask at some point so I will take you up on your offer. Hey Frank do you know of any other differences in carrying a shifter baby? I know I should be asking Franny or Sally but I didn't think to ask yesterday." I got started eating waiting for his answer.

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