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Madi: "Ok fine" she playfully rolled her eyes

Y/n: "Ok so you know how Jaxion doesn't like Billie?"

Madi: "no, why doesn't he like Billie?"

Y/n: "He think she is trying to take me from him but I feel it's more to why he doesn't like her"

Madi: "Do u like Billie?"

I ignored her question

Y/n: "So back to the story. Jaxion doesn't like Billie and-" she cut me off

Madi: "You like her!" She shouted excitedly

Y/n: "Shhh! Why are u yelling?" I whisper yelled

Madi: "Sorry" she whispered

Madi: "But answer my question"

Y/n: "What was your question?" I asked innocently.

She look at me with a resting bitch face. I looked away and smiled.

Madi: "Stop acting dumb, doing like Billie?"

Y/n: " I don't know, I think so."

Y/n: "I almost kissed her..."

Madi: "What?!" She said excited

Madi: "I swear to god if you don't ask this girl out, I will do it for you"

Y/n: "I'm not doing that and neither are you. I don't even know if she likes me"

Y/n: "But back to the story. Around the end of October I think"

Madi: "Damn, It's been that long"

Y/n: "If u don't stop interrupting me"

Madi: "Sorry, continue"

Y/n: "Around the end of October, Billie got back from tour and Jaxion was pissed. He had one of his moments and trashed his parents house."

Madi: "*cough cough* Dramatic *cough*. Sorry, chocked on my water"

Y/n: "Shut up" I laughed
( skip to when she talks about what happened on Christmas Eve.)

Y/n: "Ok so Christmas Eve. I was staying at Jaxion's house the day before and we were going to back to my house for dinner, on the way there Billie's music played and he didn't let me listen to it but whatever" Madi rolled her eyes.

Y/n: "we got there, I was annoyed by then but we greeted my parents, and I asked if Billie was coming."

Madi: "Yeah you definitely like her" she said and took a sip of her drink.

Y/n: " I asked because I haven't seen her ever since she left for tour. Anyways, Jaxion got upset, Billie ended up coming, she sat next to me, and Jaxion asked her is she wanted which seats because his seat was "more comfy"."

Madi: "Um excuse me, what happened to the details. Like we're was Jaxion sitting"

Y/n: "Jaxion was sitting across from me and I'm not going to give every detail because I wanna hear about you"

Madi: "Ok fine but did anything happen on Christmas"

Y/n: "Jaxion wasn't being a dick so it went well, he also got a gift for Billie "

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