
42 3 1

Time skip to after billies show

Y/n: "Hey, you were amazing"

billie: "Thanks" she said out of breath and came closer to hug me

y/n: "uh uh" i denied and backed up

y/n: "your sweaty" i made a disgusted face

billie: "Your dramatic but whatever" her playfully rolled her eyes

we walked to her green room side by side.

we sit down and scroll through instagram

i think i'm gonna ask her. i just don't know how to

Perra 😈

seen at 5:48

bitch .

leave me on read one more time
and there's gonna be a hole
in your head

Lmao 😂
what do u want

i can't talk to my best friend anymore ?

No 🥳

damn 😔

i'm jp
but fr what u want

ight fuck you
bye hoe

can we NOT do this
seen at 5:50


ok i'm done
but i need help


i wanna ask billie out
but i don't know how


i feel so honored
*wipes away fake tears*

Anyways 🥱

i'm not done


i just wanna say thank you for everything
if it wasn't for your guys then i would not be winning today.
so again
thank you 🙏🏽

like i said i don't know how to ask her
soooo help me 😙

ight bet
so what u gonna do is fuck her


hush .

your gonna have sex with her and then one of y'all gotta say i love you
it doesn't matter who
then when y'all down your gonna talk to her about it
then ask her to be your girlfriend ❤️


it's gonna work
trust me

yeah no 😩

ok don't ask me for help no more then 😒
seen at 6:00


well i'm on my own now .. i'm just gonna ask

Y/n: "Um bil ?"

Billie: "Hm" she replied with a smirk on her face

Y/n: "I wanna ask u some-"

Y/n: "why are your smirking ?"

Billie: "Something funny"

Y/n: "Oh ok"

Y/n: "Well i wanna ask you something"

Billie: "Okay" She places her phone on the coffee table and gives me her full attention

Too cute

Y/n: "Ok so you know how we told each other our feelings and how we were talking things slow" i say a little fast but slow enough for her to hear

Billie: "Yeah"

Y/n: "Ok well my feelings have grown stronger"

Billie: "Ewww not you being cheesy" She grinned

Y/n: "Shut up" we giggled

Y/n: "Anyways"

Y/n: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Billie: "Oh ."

Y/n: "Wdym oh . "

Billie: "I thought you were gonna ask me to fuck but never mind" she said with her down

Y/n: "Gurl-"

Y/n: "Wait did u talk to madi"

Billie: "mhm" she said proudly

this girl

Y/n: "Back to the question that u have yet to answer"

Billie: "What was your question?"

Y/n: "Bruh stop playing" i complain

Billie: "Ok fine" she giggles

Billie: "i would love to be your girlfriend but are u sure. like are u sure u wanna get in a another relationship after jaxion?"

Y/n: "Are you saying that your gonna hurt me like jaxion did?"

Billie: "What? No!" she says with a confused face

Y/n: "I'm just kidding, but i am sure"


I know i haven't posted in like 2 months 🥲

but it's because i had writer's block and because i got in trouble

so enjoy this and i don't know when the next chapter is gonna be published
so yeah


Billie: "Let's not talk about how cringy this is"

okay bye to the four people reading this or bye to nobody 🥲

CommittedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon