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Thursday, Jan 10 4:27

Today is the day of billies show and I'm waiting outside for my Uber to come pick me up.
I'm waiting outside because my parents are arguing, and I refuse to be around them right now.


I pick my head up from my phone and see that my Uber is here, I get up and get in the car.

Uber dude: "Hi, Uber for Y/n Johnson?
(Your last name is Johnson)

Y/n: "Yes"

Uber dude: "To the Staples Center?"

Y/n: "Yes please" He nods his head and starts driving.

I text Billie and tell her that I'm in the Uber then a few seconds later she responds, her mom is gonna be outside waiting for me. I put my phone in my bag and look out the window.

Uber dude: "So, are you going somewhere special?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm going to my girlfriends show"

Uber dude: "Your girlfriends show? Is she a celebrity or something" he ask with a chuckle.

Girlfriend? Billie isn't my girlfriend, I do wish she was but I don't have enough balls to ask her so. Yeah.

Y/n: "What do you mean girlfriend?"

Uber dude: "you said your going to your girlfriend's show"


Y/n: "Oh I'm sorry, she isn't my girlfriend" I say awkwardly.

Uber dude: "Haha, do You like her?"


Y/n: "No."

Uber dude: "Seems like you do" He teased looking at me through the mirror

Please stop talking.

Uber dude: "You should go for it"

Y/n: "Go for what?"

Uber dude: "You should ask her out"

Y/n: "Who said I liked her?"

Uber dude: "We both know you do" I felt a small smile creep on my lips but I quickly stopped.

Uber dude: "See, I saw that smile"

Uber dude: "Go for it"

Y/n: "If I do she'll say no"

Uber dude: "Why do u think that?"

Y/n: "She'll probably think that it's too soon because I recently broke up with my boyfriend..."

Uber dude: "Oh, well you'll never know what she thinks until you do it "

Uber dude: "Do you wanna know what she thinks?"

Y/n: "No." He turned his head and gave me  'are you serious' look

Y/n: "Not really but I kinda do, if that makes sense"

Uber dude: "ok, Ask her and then you'll find out if she thinks it's too soon"

Y/n: "But what if-" He cut me off

Uber dude: "We don't do 'what if', just do it"

Uber dude: "Ok?"

Y/n: "Ok, fine" He stopped the car and looked out the window to see Maggie waiting at the entrance

Usually i would never listen to a stranger but this was different, it felt different. I know it sounds weird and cheesy and shit, but it does feel different. Like his words actually made sense, so I might actually ask her.

Y/n: "Have a good day... Uber dude?" I said not not knowing his name

Uber dude: "It's John" he replied with a chuckle

Uber dude: "Have a good day as well y/n"

I wave goodbye and get out the car to Maggie

Maggie: "Hi y/n, how have you been" she pulled me in a hug

Y/n: "I'm good, and you?"

Maggie: "I'm well" we both pulled away from the hug

Maggie: "Ready to go in? Billie is excited to see you"

Y/n: "Yea, I'm sure she is"I say with a chuckle

I pulled out my phone to text Billie as we started walking


I'm here
I walking with your mom right now

Ok hurry up I'm bored 😩


I softly giggle as we keep walking

So enough we get backstage and I knocked on Billies door as Maggie walked to Patrick.

Billie: "Who is bothering me" she whines

Y/n: "A leprechaun" I joke

I hear a light laugh and footsteps walk towards the door and i look at the doorknob and see it twisting. Then I see billie with a...boot on?

This isn't even a surprise.

Y/n: "You hurt yourself again?" I ask with a chuckle and she pulls me in for a hug

Billie: "Yes I fell down the stairs, now give me a hug please" I let a soft laugh and hug her back.

Y/n: "Ok so when did this happen?" I point to her foot

Billie: "Like three or four days ago"

Y/n: "Why didn't you tell me"

Billie: "I didn't think it would be important to talk about, sorry"

Y/n: "it's fine but are you able to do the show?" I asked a little bit concerned

Billie: "Yeah"

Billie: "My mom made me do all of the stretches because she tried to cancel this show but she couldn't cause it was too soon" i lightly laugh

Sully: "Billie, you on in 5" he says loudly

Billie: "Ok coming" she replies

Billie: "Wanna stay here or u Wanna come"

Y/n: "I'll stay but I'll be there when you get off"

Billie: "Ok, u good?"

Y/n: "Yeah, why?"

Billie: "You usually come with me"

Y/n: "oh, I'm fine"

Y/n: "I just wanna think about some things"

Billie: "Ok, Wanna talk about it later?"

Y/n: "Not really but go or your gonna be late"

Billie: "All right"

With that she walks out the door.
Now how the hell am I supposed to ask her. The last time I asked somebody out that laughed at me.

Why am I even stressing out about this, a stranger told me to do something, a full on stranger. Should I ask her out?

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