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Jan 8 7:40 pm

It's been a week since me and Billie went on out little "date".  Currently I'm eating dinner with my mom and dad, I can tell some is going on between them.

Like every time I ask where my dad has been during the weekends, they would look at each other and give fake smiles.

Claire: "So, how have you and Billie been"

Y/n: "We're doing good" I nodded my head

Y/n: "Oh mom" i said a little to excited

Claire: "Yes?"

Y/n: "Remember when I told you that Billie has a show on Thursday?" She nodded her head

Y/n: "She asked me if I wanted to go"she look at me confused

Y/n: "So can I go?"

Claire: "Ask your dad" she said as she picked up her plate to put it in the sink

Y/n: "Dad, can I go?" I asked a little annoyed

Mark: "Sure hun"

Y/n: "Thx"

I put my plate in the sink and walk up to my room.

I changed my clothes into my pajamas and FaceTimed Billie

Billies pov

Incoming FaceTime
from Y/n💘

Y/n: "Hey"

Billie: "Hey what's up?"

Y/n: "Something is going on between my parents, I got annoyed so I called you"

Y/n: "You make me feel better"

Billie: "Aww"

Billie: "I make you feel better" she rolled her eyes in response.

Finneas: "Ewww!" He shouted as he came in my room

Billie: "Bro"

Billie: "what do u what" I whined

Finneas: "Y'all are disgusting"

Billie: "What did we do?"

Finneas: "I make you feel better? Really?"

Billie: "Not like that idiot" i threw a pillow at him

Billie: "Now get out"

Finneas: "Ok, bye Y/n"

Y/n: "Bye" she replied

Billie: "Sorry about that" I said as I picked up my pillow

Y/n: "It's fine, he's funny tho so it's good"

Billie: "He is not funny"

Billie: "And don't tell him that cause he's gonna think that he is the all mighty jokester"

Y/n: "Ok I won't" she laughed

Billie: "So, you wanna talk about your parents"

Billie: "And did they say yes"

Y/n: "My dad said I can go" she replied as she was setting her phone up

Billie: "Did u not ask your mom?"

Y/n: "I did"

Y/n: " She told me to ask my dad" she started playing with her fingers

She's too cute

Billie: "Do u know why she said that?"

Y/n: "No, but something is definitely go on between them"

Billie: "You should ask them"

Y/n: "I can't"

Billie: "Why"

Y/n: "Cause I asked them already and I don't wanna be in that awkward situation"

Billie: "Ask them while I'm on the phone"

Y/n: "I don't wanna bother them, and how am I supposed to ask them?Again"

Billie: "Get your AirPods, put on of them in, and I'll tell you what to say"

Y/n: "Billie" she laughs

Billie: "What?"

Y/n: "That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth"

Billie: "That's s rude" I said fake offended

Billie: "My words of wisdom are not dumb"

Billie: "They are smart"

Y/n: "Sorry to break it to you but your "words of wisdom" are stupid" she laughs harder

Billie: "I'm hanging up"

Y/n: "No no I'm sorry, I'll stop"

Billie: "Thank you"

Billie: "But are u gonna do my idea"

Y/n: "No Billie, I'm not"

Billie: " That sucks"She rolled her eyes

Billie: "Don't roll your eyes at me"

Y/n: "Why not"

Billie: "Cause I was speaking the truth"

Y/n: "Really?"

Billie: "Yes really, it sucks that you won't do my amazing idea"

Billie: "I never lie, unless it's for good reasons"

Y/n: "Promise?"

Billie: "Promise" We end up staring at each other for a while

Y/n: "Well um" she clears her throat

Y/n: "Wanna help me pick out a outfit for the show?"

Billie: "Um sure" I reply sitting up from laying down


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