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??? POV

I wipe my blade with the cloth, stuffing it in my pocket before I grab a pen and mark the name off my list.


The red ink sinks into the rough parchment. It's amusing, and I'm almost sad I had to kill that maid so fast. I would've loved to see her squirm like the worm she is-pardon my French.


The person she was.

I sigh out loud, before wiping a smudge of blood away by the corner of my mouth with my thumb.

It really is a shame.. I could've recorded it to. But sadly, that group of little shit's happened to be walking by.

Now I have more pressing matters to attend to.

I yank of my shirt before wringing it of the fresh blood which drips onto the floorboards of the room. A few strips of light reflect on the opposite concrete wall from the blinds of the closed window.

I toss my dagger onto the rough wooden table before grabbing my pen and circling the second to bottom name on the list.

(Josie James )

And I doodle a star beside the last one, just for good measure.

*Jabeth Blackwell


AUTHORSNOTE:: Hey guys, thanks for all the patience for me and my book. I have officially finished the first book for The Ruination trilogy. I'm sure many people are confused for the ending and it's abrupt departure. But in a way, it's a Part 1. Part 2 of the story will come some time soon after a short Hiatus.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, but please respect my work while you're at it. Anyway, to divulge in the epilogue, it is in the POV of the antagonist, who KILLED THE MAID that Jabeth was alarmed to.

So, like I said, if you have any questions, please ask. TY for your patience. I will update the cast board with new inspiration. So once again, stay safe and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The Risen Queen and Fallen King (UNEDITED 'The Ruination #1)Where stories live. Discover now