~The Ring

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The rest of the day, I do as much as I can to avoid any contact with anyone. Especially Jabeth and the rest of our visitors. The very next day, I attend breakfast but find only stares and a silent room. Which didn't do much to bring down my blush.

So I go where I normally do when I'm down or anxious. The library. I guess you could say it's my happy place.

Ever since I was born. I have always had this thirst for knowledge. To see more, and more.

The only time my thirst for knowledge was in vain, was when my mother gave me.. the talk. Apparently the human description for describing sexual intercourse between the opposite sex. Although we call it just that, the talk.

Let's just say I had nightmares for weeks.

I stroll through the library. My brown leather calf boots tapping against the polished marble floor. Not a soul is in the library.

I almost do a happy dance, actually scratch that. I'm doing it right now. Perfect!

I go for the very book I was reading the day Darby ran through the garden. It sits on a table, right where I left it.

I pick it up and flip through, plopping into a chair while finding my page again. Aha.

I nestle into the cushion and sigh, starting over again.

'What's in a name, by which we would call a rose by any other name that would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called. '

I think I even sigh.

'Retain that dear perfection which he owes. Without that title, Romeo doff thy name. And for that name, which is no part of thee. Take all myself.'

I feel my heart leap as I read the next line.

Romeo jumps out of the bushes and yells, 'I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized. Henceforth, I never will be Romeo.'

I sigh again and close my eyes, imagining a girl. Juliet Capulet, sighing as well as she stares out into the night. Stars shining as she speaks her thoughts aloud, proclaiming her love. High above the ground while her beloved listens below.

It's so-

"Romeo and Juliet?"

I jump at the voice.

I clench the book and look up to find Jerny looking down at me, with disapproval or admiration. I cannot tell.

I scowl and dog ear the page, closing the book. I stand and hold the poem to my chest. "What do you want?"

He smirks. I am your mentor, or did you forget?

I sigh. "Yes, yes.. I apologize. I was just.." I blush. "At a really good part."

He smirks. "Let me guess, the part where they make love?"

I frown deeply, then open my mouth to object until he cuts me off.

"You and your hormones." He chuckles before starting down the library for his shop.

I race after him, book in hand. "No! It was the part where Juliet.. proclaims her love.." My voice grows quieter.

He turns to me and nods, hands behind his back, clasped. "Yes, I know. I was just teasing with you."

I snort. Sure.

He smiles and gestures towards his shop door, the old rustic wooden arched frame sits in the shadows of the bookcases. I open the door and head in, Jerny following me suit.

The Risen Queen and Fallen King (UNEDITED 'The Ruination #1)Where stories live. Discover now