~The Seamstress

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I stand on the pedestal as the seamstress works on my dress. My birthday is tomorrow and the ball is tomorrow night. I don't feel as excited as I normally do, which I guess is normal for when one get's older. I will be twenty going on twenty-one. It's quite nerving actually.

I look to Darby, who is sitting in a chair, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger. Her gaze distant and dreaming.

I try not to flinch as the seamstress accidentally stabs at my calf. "What are you thinking?"

Darby only moan's a little in thought, and for a second I think she's day dreaming. "Darby?"

She sighs. "I'm just thinking about the way Jabeth looked at me during the breakfast that one day.."

I grin. "Oh really?"

She nods. But suddenly her smile and eyes drop to a level of great intensity. She pouts out her bottom lip and fold her arms. "Too bad he's your fiance.. Then I would've definitely hooked up with him."

I almost belt out laughing. Her? Darby Moon. Seducing the cold hearted hypocrite? No way.. "You think he would've agreed to it?" I ask.

She looks at me, a grin on her face. "Of course. What guy turns down sex? None I've ever heard of."

My stomach suddenly feels queasy. Probably those eggs I had this morning. Must've been bad. "You think so?"

She nods. "Of course. If there's one thing I know, is that when a woman offers to give him the pleasure of a lifetime, no guy would turn it down, especially since he would have the advantage."

I furrow my brow. "How so?" The seamstress hoists up my arms so they're perfectly straight.

"Well for one. He's a future KING. He could go back to the Hell's and forget I ever existed. Two, a male doesn't hold chances of getting pregnant like woman do, so why must they worry." She leans forward, eyes dreamy again an head tilted. "Oh what I would love to get a night with him. His strong, warm arms and his deep, dark brown eyes. Ugh, like melted chocolate! Then his V! Oh my God.. you know that human saying. The deeper their V, the bigger their-"

"Okay, that's great!" I interrupt her. Maybe most women like talking about a mans genitals. But to me, it's strange and gross. I don't get the sexual rush they get from it.

I have no experience with men, unlike Darby of course. It's been a VERY long time since I've talked to a male my age. So trying to imagine feeling sexually aroused by a males manhood. I just can't see it.. I can't even see being aroused by a male in general.

Darby sighs and leans back. "He reminds me of a sexy puppy.. cuddly and seductive but at the same time vicious and hot!"

I roll my eyes. "He reminds me more of a cold vampire then a sexy puppy."

My arms grow more tired by the minute, and soon the seamstress finally lets me go. Darby claps her hands and cheers, "Twirl!"

I laugh and do as she say's, twirling in a full circle so the skirt flows in the air.

Darby sighs and place's a hand to her chest. "Oh, my heart!"

I feel giddier then a school girl. I guess that's what happens when a girl puts on a dress. They feel like a princess. Which I guess I am.

It's my favorite color. Pastel Blue. Off the shoulders with white, applique lace flowers all over. I love it so much, that I think I will officially name it my favorite dress.

The seamstress gets up, bows and leaves me to strip it off. I get into my usual dress, a wintered pattern sweater with jeans and calf boots.

Have I mentioned that winter is my favorite season? Yes, it is the season of the Hell's. But I love it. That's where I got my love of pastel blue, from a photo of winter in our library. The air was bright, and the snow was white. But with a hint, of my pastel blue. It took my breath away just seeing it.

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