Chapter 24: Falling, In The Water And On The Ground

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I had no idea what to do. Chaz and I had kissed and we were beginning to get closer, maybe even as close as we were a few years ago before that one giant incident happened. But, I still have feelings for Austin. I need to keep reminding myself that this whole thing between Chaz and I was solely for revenge purposes. That's all there is to it.

But, Chaz seems so happy when he's around me. And, he does make me happy. His craziness is contagious, and I liked that... a lot. He's always smiling and he wears the biggest smile on his face and he always tries to make me laugh. I think he's changed from the kid he was three years ago.

Then again, Austin has helped me through so much and we know each other's deepest secrets. He has earned my trust and my love. He's earned my respect and I've earned his. He's the one who goes on rooftops with me when I can't sleep. He's the one that holds me tight while I'm crying. He's the one that I truly loved.

I need to figure out what's going on between Chaz and I. And I need to do it fast.

I knew that there was one person who I could talk to about this. And, that person was Caitlin. I just wish she was here so that I could talk to her in person. I hope she'll be here soon. I hope Justin got his soulmate back.

But, she did say that I could call her.

I picked up my phone and hit Caitlin's contact.

"Hello?" she asked as she picked up.

"Hey, Caitlin. It's Tori. I need to talk to you about--"

"We're just pulling into the hotel parking lot. I'll be up there in five minutes, okay?" she told me.

I nodded. But, then I realized that she couldn't see me. "Okay," I said. "See you in a few."

I heard a knock on my door and immediately knew that it was Caitlin. "Hey, how are you?" I asked when I opened the door.

"I'm good. Great actually because Justin and I are back together," she answered.

"Yay!" I exclaimed, super happy with the news about her and Justin.

"Justin drove so much because he said that he was going to drive the whole way back even though I repeatedly asked him if he needed me to drive. He's asleep right now, that's why I came to your room right away.

"But, onto other business. What did you need to talk to me about?" she asked as we sat down on my bed.

"Well, you know how Chaz is back?" I asked. Caitlin nodded. "He and I had talked and he apologized and... he's changed. He's more mature, Caitlin.

"Austin and I were kissing when Chaz barged into the room. After we'd pulled away, he asked if we wanted to go to the pool. I told him yes and he walked out of the room. After a lot of convincing, Austin finally agreed to come with me. The only reason he went was because I gave him permission to beat Chaz up if he made a move on me.

"We were at the pool and we played chicken. It was Chaz and Justin against Austin and I. It was actually really fun! The best part about it was that Austin was warming up to the idea of Chaz and I being friends.

"Later, we were all sitting in the hot tub. Austin said that he was hungry, so he went to get food. And, Justin needed to go to the bathroom, so he left. That left Chaz and I alone in the hot tub.

"He began to make small talk with me. He asked me where my favorite place was from tour. After that, we just continued talking. Eventually, Chaz couldn't talk straight and he said that he blanks out when he's around me. I asked him why and he said that he's still in love with me. Then, he kissed me. I quickly pulled away, though."

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