Chapter 13: Bases

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"I missed you," Austin whispered in my ear as he embraced me. We'd just landed in San Antonio, Texas. Since Austin lives there, he didn't have to fly anywhere. All he did was drive to the airport to meet Justin, Caitlin my mom, the crew, and I.

"I missed you, too," I whispered back.

"C'mon let's get this show on the road!" Justin yelled, ruining this moment completely.

Austin let go of me and we ran from the fans and paparazzi. As I was doing that, I was lugging two giant suitcases behind and carrying the biggest duffle bag that I've ever seen on my shoulder. Can you say workout?

After we got to our hotel and got a few items unpacked, Austin and Justin headed off to rehearsals. Caitlin and I tagged along.

"What base has Austin taken you to?" Caitlin asked as we were sitting in the stadium seats of the San Antonio Spurs.

That caught me a little off guard. I don't go prying into her and Justin's relationship like that. But than again, she's probably just making sure I'm safe. Or, Justin put her up to it. Probably a little bit of both. "Mostly first base," I told her.

"What do you mean mostly?" she asked quizzically with one eyebrow slightly raised.

"You know how kissing can get."

"True. But when you get to third base make sure--"

"La, la, la, la, la, la!" I shouted while putting my fingers in my ears.

"Okay. I get it. You don't want to hear."

"Have you and Justin... you know..."

"Done it? Heavens no! In the words of Justin the nerd from SNL, 'Don't go a pokin' until I do is spoken'"

We burst out in laughter as I felt myself release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm so relived I'm not going to be an aunt yet.

"What're you girls laughing about?" Austin asked mid-song.

"Nothing!" Caitlin and I yelled back in unison.

Austin shrugged and kept singing. He stumbled on a few dance moves and stuttered on a few words. The whole time, his eyes were locked on me.

"Run it again!" Justin yelled with a slight edge to his voice.

Austin sighed a frustrated sigh and began singing What About Love. His eyes were once again locked on mine. As he was dancing, he tripped over one of his dancer's legs and face planted right on the hard stage. Austin stood up and laughed a roaring laugh.

His laughter just made me feel all warm and bubbly inside. Like when you step in a hot shower on a winter day.

I yelled out to him, "Don't want to be an American Idiot!"

He laughed again and said another line to the song. Then, Justin called him backstage. I suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back. Bathroom," I told Caitlin.

"Okay," she said.

I decided I'd use the backstage bathroom. And I wasn't just using it to go to the bathroom. I was using it to do a little eavesdropping.

"Austin, bro, we need to talk," I heard Justin say. I ducked behind a rack of costumes to listen in. He called him bro. This wasn't good.

"Yeah. What's up?" Austin asked. I heard them both plop down on a leather couch.

"Okay listen, about you and Tori... She's kind of distracting you."

"It's hormones, dude. You know how it is with girls. They look so beautiful... And you know. You just freeze up."

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