Chapter 19: One Fixed The Other Broken

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I began to drive and I felt relief with every turn I made. With every turn, I'm getting closer to my destination. With every turn, I'm getting closer to forgetting everything that happened, even if it is only for a little while.

I decided that I'd crank the radio as loud as possible, so that I could get my mind off of things before actually getting to the place that would do that for me.

Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
And we gon' make you lose your mind
We just wanna see ya, shake that

I bobbed my head up and down ferociously to the pop tune as I tapped my fingers to the beat on the steering wheel. For a second, that was all there was. The music. The loud music pounding in my ears. And me. That was it.

I jumped as the shrill ring of my phone pulled me out of my trance.

I turned down the music and, without even looking to see who was calling, I answered my phone. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey dude," it was Christian. "Where are you?" he asked.

"Uh. Don't tell my mom, but, I'm on my way to a club."

"I won't tell her because I'll be coming with you," he answered.

"Alright. Here's the address." After I told him the address, he said he'd leave right now and that he'd be there soon.

I cranked the music back to how loud it was before Christian had called and let it engulf me. I let it take me away for a little bit. But this, this just wasn't enough. Believe me, I wish it was enough. But it's not. Where I'm headed, I'll forget things for a longer period of time... I hope.

I pulled over onto the side of the street and parked my car. I'd decided that I'd wait for Christian before I actually went into the club.

Once I got a text from him, I hopped out of my car and locked the doors. Then, I proceeded to walk to the bar's entrance. When I saw Christian, we walked up to the door. There was a big, muscular guy standing there. "IDs please," he demanded.

I pulled down my sunglasses a little bit. "I'm Justin Bieber," I whispered, hoping that he'd let us in once I told him that crucial piece of information.

"Yeah," he said sarcastically. "And I'm Will Smith."

I pulled out my driver's license. "Now do you believe me?" I asked while reaching into my pocket and then handing the guy a one hundred dollar bill.

"Go right on in," he said. Then, he stopped Christian to check to see how old he was.

"He's with me," I said. The guy just nodded and we walked into the smell of alcohol and sweat.

I immediately walked up to the bartender. "Two beers, please," I said and then paid him. Once he'd given me the beers, I took one and handed one to Christian.

After I chugged mine down, I decided that I'd get on the dance floor. After getting somewhat sweaty, I knew I needed to feel the alcohol pulsing through my veins. One beer wasn't going to cut it. I didn't want to feel blood in my body anymore. It needed to be replaced with substances that I could get tonight at this club.

"One beer," I said to the bartender. I paid him and he handed me another beer. I chugged that one too. And... I felt nothing.

I spotted Christian and I rushed over to him. "Don't drink too much tonight," I yelled over the music that was blasting through the speakers.

"Why?" he yelled back as he turned to face me.

"Because, I'm going to need someone to drive me home. If I start going crazy, pull me out of here, got it?" I asked.

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