Chapter Six: Fun and Frustration

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"Hey babe," I said to Caitlin as I snaked my arms around her waist the next day in my tour bus. "You want to go to a movie tonight?"

"I'd love to, but won't all the movies be in Norwegian languages?" she asked while looking up at me.

"Since your sexy boyfriend is super smart, he found a movie theater that plays movies in English," I told her and then gave her a peck on the forehead.

"Hmmm," she began while placing her pointer finger on her chin, "then who's my boyfriend? My boyfriend's definitely not sexy."

I gasped. "You take that back," I said sternly as I pulled away from her.

"Nope," she told me as she began to walk away. Caitlin isn't going to get away that easily.

"Take it back!" I exclaimed as I picked her up in my arms, causing her to squeal.

"Never!" she exclaimed.

"You're not going to like what happens next," I mumbled. I threw Caitlin over my shoulder very quickly. "Am I sexy now?" I asked.

"All I'm looking at is your lower back. So no Justin, you are not sexy."

I ran to the back of the bus where there was a big bed. Once I flipped Caitlin over onto the bed, I hovered over her. "Take it back," I told her once again.

"Nothing you do is going to make me take it back," she said as she raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"How about this?" I asked. I moved my fingers down to her stomach. When they were on her stomach, I began moving them around, tickling her.

Caitlin started to hold back her laughter the best that she could, but she burst. "J- Justin! S- Stop!" she yelled through her laughing. I'd be lying if I said that her laugh wasn't totally adorable.

"But your laugh is so cute, babe," I told her. "And if I stop tickling you, I won't get to hear it."

"J- Justin! St- Stop! Now!"

"Tell me I'm sexy," I said while turning my head in a cocky fashion.

"F- Fine! You're s- sexy as heck!" she exclaimed. Mission accomplished.

I stopped tickling her and sat up. Caitlin did the same. "So, the movie?" I asked.

"Sounds great," she replied.

"Will you two keep it down in there?" Tori yelled. "Some people don't want to know what you two do in your free time!"

"Yeah, Tori!" Caitlin yelled back. "We're finished. It was amazing."

"Ew! You two are gross!" she yelled back.

"Why'd you tell her that?" I asked Caitlin with a puzzled look plastered on my face.

"Something to get her to stop yelling. If she thinks we, you know, she won't ask anything more. Trust me, nobody wants details of that stuff."

"So anyway, what do you want to see?" she asked, moving closer to me.

"I was thinking Snow White and the Huntsman. That sound good to you?"

"It's drama. Of course it sounds good to me!" she exclaimed. Only a true girl would say that.

"And there's blood in it, so I'm good with it. The movie's at five."

"Let me go get ready and we can leave," Caitlin said while walking out of the room and into the bathroom.


"Hey, you want to see a movie?" Austin asked me as he pushed the curtains back on my bunk, revealing himself as I put down my phone. "There's a theater that plays movies in English somewhere close to where we're stopping today."

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