Chapter Three: He's Changed

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"Wake up," someone shook my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"Shut up. Let me sleep," I mumbled.

"We're in Norway." I groaned, opened my eyes, and stretched. I saw that Austin was the one who had woken me up.

"I don't care if we're in Norway; I'm still tired," I snapped.

"I can carry you if you want," he offered. Is this kid crazy? My brother would freak if he figured out that we're together. But he still offers to carry me!

"No, Justin would see. And I can walk," I answered as I stood up. Once I grabbed my purse, I walked out of the jet to the sea of fans. Then I grabbed my luggage.

Everyone on the team- crew, dancers, Justin, our family and friends, Scooter, Dan, Kenny, Carin, etc- piled into five range rovers. Fans were chasing after us. Some even jumped on the range rover that we were in. I have no idea how I'm going to get through this tour alive. I know that Justin's fans are super dedicated, but I never knew that they could possibly be violent!

When we parked the range rovers at the hotel, we got our luggage out of the car as quick as lightning. Then, we sprinted into the hotel, trying not to get trampled by fans. Justin of course stayed out to sign a few autographs.

Once I'd put everything in my hotel room, I changed into running shorts a sports bra, and tennis shoes. Then, I grabbed my phone, arm band, and ear buds. Yes, I'm going running. It'll wake me up. "Where you going hot stuff?" Austin asked as I walked out of my hotel room. Well that made me feel uncomfortable. I silently thanked God that I didn't wear my spandex shorts.

"Gym," I answered. "And never call me hot stuff again."

"Mind if I come with?" Gym time is supposed to be my alone time. My time to think. My time to make sense of stuff happening in my life. Not my time to get distracted when a sixteen year old is lifting weights.

"It's kind of my alone time," I said. Then he gave me the puppy dog face. Don't cave, don't cave, don't cave. "Fine, you can come." I have no self control.

"I'll be down in a few minutes. Let me change." He walked back into his hotel room as I walked towards the elevator and to the gym.

I slipped my key card into the slot and then walked in. I stretched, put my phone in my arm band, plugged in my ear buds, and got on one of the treadmills. I started out at three miles an hour just as a warm up.

After two minutes at that speed, I bumped it up to five and a half miles per hour. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the gym door open. I turned my head to see Austin and he walked straight over to the weights. Then he took off his shirt. Oh gosh. Don't look, don't look, don't look. Concentrate on running. Concentrate on your music. Concentrate on running. Concentrate on your music.

Starships were meant to fly. Hands up and touch the sky. Can't stop cause we're so high. I recited the lyrics to Starships by Nicki Minaj as it blasted in my ears through my ear buds.

As I kept thinking of the lyrics, I forgot that Austin was even there.

After twenty more minutes, I'd finished running my three miles. I took my earbuds out, took off my arm band, and got a drink of water. "Hey, where you going?" Austin asked as I was almost to the door.

"Back to my hotel room," I answered, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

When I walked into my hotel room, I opened my bathroom door to take a shower. I opened the shower curtain and almost screamed. Justin was standing in my shower with his clothes on. What the heck?

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