Chapter 17: Numb

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My body was numb, all feeling was lost completely. I tried to pinch myself, trying to convince myself that this was just a nightmare like I had earlier. But, I could still hear screaming after my fingers let go of my skin.

I knew that mud was scattering at my feet just by the squishing sound. There was no feeling anywhere in my body.

Trying to lift the quad off Caitlin's leg, I saw tears of pain running down her face. I also heard the screams of her pain. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Austin coming to help me.

"It won't budge!" He yelled. I couldn't find the energy to say anything back. "Tori! Call 911!"

We kept trying different positions to get this quad off of her leg. Finally, Austin and I were out of breath. That's when I just dropped to my stomach. I grabbed Caitlin's hand and squeezed. Hard. "It'll be okay, baby, it'll be okay. An ambulance will be here soon." She nodded as she kept screaming.

That's when I noticed the color red. And it liquid. And it was flowing down her leg.

I said a word that would've gotten me back handed in the face if my mom would've heard.

I let go of my girlfriend's hand that was stained with mud and wet with sweat and tears. After standing up and slipping the t-shirt off my head, I laid back down on the ground and set the blue t-shirt on the gash, applying pressure. Now I'm happy that I wore a dark colored shirt because if she saw how much blood was flowing out of her leg between the knee and her waistline, she'd probably be even more scared than she already is. And, right now she's petrified.

I pressed harder on the t-shirt that was on her leg. That's when I heard sirens. "They'll be here in a second, baby. Hold on." She squeezed my hand lightly.

The sirens got louder until I heard a squeal of brakes. Paramedics rushed out of the vehicle and over to Caitlin. One stayed behind as the others began to lift the quad off of Caitlin.

"Any relation to you?" a paramedic asked, snapping me somewhat out of my numb state.

"Uh, my girlfriend," I answered.

"Do her parents know you're here?" she asked. I should've told Tori to either call Mom and then have her call Caitlin's parents. Or, she could've just called Caitlin's parents.

"No," I said quietly. "They're actually in Atlanta. She's on tour with me."

"Have you notified them?"

"No, I can do that now if you want me to."

"Wait until we get into her into the ambulance. And calm down. She's in good hands." I nodded, the numbness returning. "What's her name?" she asked.

"Caitlin, Caitlin Beadles."

"And yours?" she asked as she scribbled Caitlin's name down.

"Justin... uh... Bieber." I said cautiously. I really didn't want this all over the place.

"Okay," she said after scribbling my name down also. "And don't worry, we'll keep it under wraps."

I nodded graciously. "She's out! Get her in the ambulance! Lost a lot of blood!" That's when I noticed my hands were soaked with blood. Someone handed me a towel. It was as if I was a ghost, I couldn't feel the towel, but I could see the blood being wiped off my hands.

"Do you want to ride in the ambulance?" the same paramedic that asked for my name asked me.

"Yeah," I said, unable to say anything more. I followed the rushing paramedics into the back of the ambulance.

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