{1} A Soulmate

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~ Kihyun POV ~

A soulmate. Someone who is there for you, no matter what. Someone who will love you til the end. Someone who makes the colors of your world even brighter.

For me, along with 80% of the population, the world has no colors but black and white.
My best friend Choi Mirae was one of the lucky people born being able to see colors. And ever since my two other friends, Kang Ayeong and Park Jeonghoon started dating they both has been seeing colors as well. I always asked them stuff about the colors. What they looked like. But they would always say the same thing. "It's hard to describe, you will have to see it with your own eyes!"
But I was still waiting for my soulmate. And I've been waiting and looking for 27 years. I felt hopeless.
But that day. That day, it would all change...

"O-M-G!!", Mirae exclaimed. She pointed at the poster infront of her. Ayeong started screaming of excitment as she saw the poster as well.
I looked at them and then at the poster.
"Why are you screaming?", I asked. "Who's that guy?"
"Are you kidding me?!", Mirae almost screamed. "You've never heard of Son Hyunwoo?"
I shook my head.
"He's a famous kpop singer", Jeonghoon explained. "Ayeong is obsessed with him"
"He looks so good in yellow!", Mirae said in a dreamy voice.
"Yellow..?", I said. "What does yellow look like?"
"You'll see it one day", Mirae said and smiled. "I promise! I'm sure you'll meet your perfect woman soon!"
I wasn't convinced.

"I just wish we could afford the tickets!", Ayeong said on our way home. The girls hadn't been able to stop talking about this Hyunwoo guy ever since they saw the poster. What's even so special about him anyway?

"I think the fanmeeting is today!", Mirae said. "If we walk by then maybe we could catch a glimpse of him!" The girls looked at me and Jeonghoon.
"Please...", Ayeong said and looked at her boyfriend with puppy eyes. He sighed.
"Fine", he answered. "Kihyun, are you coming with us?" I nodded since I had no choice.

When we got there I saw a sign that said
Shownu Fanmeeting
"Shownu?", I asked. "Didn't you guys say his name was Hyunwoo?"
"Shownu is his stage name!", Mirae explains.
"Oh my god!!!!!", Ayeong suddenly screams. "There he is!!!!!" Mirae quickly ran over to Ayeong to see.
I tried looking through the crowd.

And that's when I saw it. The color of the idols shirt. It was a beautiful, bright color and as I looked around I could see it everywhere.
Someones bag, Ayeongs heels, Miraes earrings.
Who is it? Who made me see this beautiful color?
If I would have looked up again by then I would have seen Hyunwoo, looking around everywhere, just like me...

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now