{3} The Concert

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"O-M-G, today is the day!!", Ayeong exclaims. Mirae looks equally excited.
I laugh a little at Jeonghoons why-did-I-agree-to-this expression.
"I can't believe that we're actually going to a Shownu concert!!", Mirae almost screams. "And the fact that you'll might find your soulmate, Kihyun!"
My heart rate increases when thinking about it. What if I actually do find my soulmate today?

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

"Holy shit man, I just realized something!"
I look at Jooheon. "What?"
"If your soulmate is a fan, wouldn't they be at your concert..?", Jooheon suggests.
For a quiet second I let his words sink in.
Will I see another color today?
"That's true, you should keep an eye out!", Changkyun says, hugging Jooheon from behind. "You're so smart, Joohoney~"
Changkyun kisses Jooheons cheek.
I smile at them. They really are made for eachother.
I can't help feeling a bit jealous though.
But maybe, if I'm very lucky, after tonight I might not have to be jealous anymore...

~ Kihyun POV ~

There are more people than what I expected when I walk inside together with my friends.
"Seeing any colors yet?", Mirae almost has to shout for me to hear her through the noisy crowd. I shake my head. "Just yellow"
Mirae had earlier helped me to pick out a new outfit - yellow, so that my soulmate will see it clearly.

The crowd goes crazy as Hyunwoo steps in on the stage. I have to balance on my toes to be able to see anything.
And that's when I notice it. Hyunwoos lips.
They have a color.
I start looking all around me to see if I can see or feel any signs of my soulmate.
She must be here somewhere..!
Mirae seems to notice that I'm acting strange.
"Are you seeing something?", she shouts.
I nod. "There's a new color!!"
I try to explain that it was the color of his, hers and most of everyone theres lips but my voice drowns out in the music.
"After", I think I can read her lips saying.
Yes. That's probably better. I'll tell them after.

He's good, Hyunwoo. I can see why Mirae and Ayeong are so obsessed with him.
His voice is soft, yet powerful. For a moment it made me completely forget finding my soulmate is the reason I'm here.

I dance, along with Mirae, Ayeong and the whole audience. Even Jeonghoon stands up for a while.

After a couple songs Hyunwoo throws his jacket to the crowd.
"Ohh, if only we were closer!!", Mirae shouts.
"I agree!", Ayeong shouts back. "I wish I would have caught that!!"
Me too... I almost say. Why would I want his jacket, I'm not even a fan...

                ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

For the first time in years I actually sing from my heart. Because I have something driving me forward. My soulmate.
And whoever they are, they are close. I can feel it inside. Because I've spotted a new color. Deeper than yellow. I can see it everywhere as I look around. In the audience, some of the lights shining on me, Jooheons hair.
"Thank you Nunugoms!", I shout to the audience after finishing my last song.
Nunugom is the name of my fandom. It sounds a bit silly, Jooheon came up with it as a joke, but as I couldn't think of anything better I decided to use it.
Looking out over the crowd I wonder who it is. Who is the one making me see all these colors..?

~ Kihyun POV ~

The concert is over and I still have no clue who my soulmate is. Most people already left.
"What color did you see?", Mirae asks.
I point at her lips. "That one"
Jeonghoon and Ayeong looks at eachother before smiling at me.
"That's red", Jeonghoon explains. "Our first color"
"Do you think she left yet?", Mirae asks.
"I'm not sure", I answer. "I..."
My sentance is cut off by Ayeong screaming.
"OH MY GOD, MIRAE, LOOK!!", she screams, pointing at Hyunwoo who just walked out from behind the stage, now walking down and is probably about to leave.
Ayeong grabs her boyfriends hand and runs towards the idol. Mirae and I follow them.

                ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

Most of my fans has already left when I walk down the stage with Jooheon, Changkyun and two bodyguards.
I notice four people running towards me.
"Hi!! Can I please take a photo with you?", one of the girls asks.
"Are you all my fans?", I ask, smiling at the group of people.
"Not me, but my girlfriend is a really big fan of yours", one of the guys says, looking at the girl who asked for a picture.
I smile at them before turning my gaze the shorter boy standing next to them.
"What about you?", I ask. "Are you a fanboy?"
For some reason I feel more intrigued by having a fanboy than a fangirl. Probably because they're less common.
He smiles shyly at me. His cheeks are suddenly colored in the new color I can see. The color Jooheon earlier explained to be red.
"Actually this is my first time hearing you sing...", he tells me. "You're really talented"
I feel warm inside hearing him say that. Why? People talk to me about my talent daily and yet I have never felt like this.
I give him a warm smile.
"Would you like to take a picture with me?"

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now