{7} Meeting

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             ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

I have just gotten home when I receive the notification. Kihyun!!!
I quickly pick up my phone.

Kihyun: Is this Hyunwoos number?

I start typing.
Yes, hello Kihyun! I was waiting for your text... I think you might be my soulmate. I've been seeing colors lately and you always seem to be around whenever I do! I know it might sound weird, but I think fate brought us together. I think you are my fate.

I sigh, deleting what I've just written. I don't wanna scare him away.
Instead I just send the first part.

Hyunwoo: Yes, hello Kihyun!

Kihyun: So... you said you wanted to hang out some time..?

Hyunwoo: Yes! I'd like that very much! Wanna meet up tomorrow?

Kihyun: Sure! Where?

I think for a moment before sending him directions and the time.

Hyunwoo: Just be careful, this is my address, so it can't be leaked!

               ~ Kihyun POV ~

Did he just invite me to his house..? Why is my heart beating so fast? Gahh, calm down Kihyun!

I want to tell Mirae right away. But I know I can't do that. She's gonna wanna come with me. This is something I need to do alone. Who knows? It might just lead me to my soulmate!

              ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

Someone knocks on the door and I almost fall off my couch. Kihyun!!!!!!!
I'm forced to fight the impulses of hiding behind the couch or climbing out my window.

Okay, breathe... In.... Out.... Now open the god damn door, I don't wanna keep him waiting!
I put a shaky hand on the door handle.

But as I open it, I'm not met with Kihyuns beautiful smile, but Jooheon and and Changkyun in the middle of a makeout session.
"Ahh, what the fuck are you guys doing here?!", I yell. They let go of eachother, looking at me.
"Sorry about that, hehe", Jooheon says. "Do you wanna hang out for a bit?"
"No!", I answer, a bit frustrated. "Kihyun is coming over!"
"Wait, really?", Changkyun asks. "Does he know about your feelings?"
"No, not yet, but I plan on telling him!", I answer. "But you two dumb-fucks need to get out of here before he arrives!!"
They both nod, perfectly synced.
"Goodluck on your date, dude!", Jooheon says before taking his boyfriends hand and leaving my apartment.

                   ~ Kihyun POV ~

Fuck... I'm so nervous... Why am I so nervous?

The place I arrived at is a huge apartment building. When I walk inside I suddenly spot Hyunwoos two friends walking down the stairway, holding hands as if they were a couple. They giggle, looking at eachother when I walk past them. Why are they laughing? Do I look funny?

I knock on his door.
"Jooheon!", I hear his voice call from inside the apartment. "I swear to god if you don't stop pretending to be him knocking at my door I will murder..."
The door is opened.
"Hi Hyunwoo", I say with a shy smile.
Hyunwoos frustrated expression turns soft.

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