{8} Colorblind

370 39 4

Son Hyunwoo is my soulmate..!
I feel so stupid. How did I not realize this before? Has he been seeing colors too because of me? Was that why he asked for my number? Am I supposed to ask him out? Should I ask him to be my boyfriend? Or should I ask him to marry me?

A million thoughts goes through my head as I'm processing everything. I want to see him again. I have to see him again.
I pick up my phone.

Kihyun: Do you wanna meet up again tomorrow? I know a good café, my friend works there!

It takes less than a half minute for him to respond.

Hyunwoo: Sounds great! See you tomorrow, Kiki!

There's that nickname again... Damn. My heart..!

Sleeping is impossible. Hyunwoo won't leave my mind and I don't want him to.
I have to tell him. Maybe he already knows?

              ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

I feel excited waking up from the short amount of sleep I got. I'm going to meet him again!

Picking up my phone from the nightstand I notice a message from yesterday.

Jooheon: Hey bro, how was your date?🛒🧂

Hyunwoo: Wtf are even those emojis.... You know what, nevermind, it was great but I'm not sure if it was a date..? We're meeting up again today tho!

Jooheon: !!!!!!! brooooo did you tell him how you feel??????

Hyunwoo: I tried, but... I never got the chance...

Jooheon: What a fucking lie!🤬He was there til 10PM, you did get chances, you just didn't take them! What was he even doing with you that long, we thought you were gonna spend the night together??😐😐😐

Hyunwoo: Wait what? You were still there?

Jooheon: Oops, busted- 🥶 Me and Changkyun were waiting in our car to see how everything went,😏😏FYI he looked very happy walking out of the building!

Hyunwoo: You god damn stalkers.... Leave us alone next time!

I sigh, putting down my phone. They are certainly made for eachother. They share one braincell after all...

                  ~ Kihyun POV ~

"Okay Kihyun, you got this!!", I tell myself in the mirror after dressing up for the meet up.
I haven't told any of my friends about this. At some level I wish I could, because I could use some moral support, but I don't know how I would tell them. "Hello, remember that kpop idol you love? Well, turns out he's my soulmate!"
They probably wouldn't even believe me.

I take a few deep breaths before walking out of the front door. Okay... I'm going to tell him! And whatever happens, happens!

               ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

Arriving early is a good idea in theory, but the waiting is almost unbearable.
Is he coming soon? What if something came up and he can't show up? Or what if something bad happened? Chill, Hyunwoo, he's not even late yet... AGHHHH WHY DID I COME HERE THIS EARLY?!

"Shownu!!", a voice suddenly calls. It's not Kihyuns.

               ~ Kihyun POV ~

Just as I'm about to walk up to Hyunwoo I notice the female fan about to approach him.
Should I wait..?

"Shownu!!", I hear her call when getting to him. "I think... I think you made me see colors!! You must be my soulmate!"

I stop walking.

"I'm sorry", Hyunwoo answers her. "I'm colorblind"

My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest.
Colorblind..? Then that means...

The fangirl looks disappointed and sad when running away.
I don't move. The tears are getting harder to hold back.

               ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

Turning around I notice him standing a few meters away. My face lights up.
"Kihyun!" I hug him, but let go as he doesn't hug me back. "Is something wrong..?"
He shakes his head, smiling at me. "I'm fine!"
I try to take his hand as we walk inside, but he pulls his hand away.
Did I do something wrong..?

                  ~ Kihyun POV ~

I try my best to seem okay. I laugh at his jokes, I smile whenever he asks how I'm doing.
But maybe my eyes gives it away, because he still looks worried.
"Kiki, you got some brownie on your cheek", Hyunwoo says, trying to brush it off with his thumb, but I turn my face away.
Why is he flirting with me if he can't see colors because of me? And if he's not the one making me see these colors, then who is?

A scary thought suddenly hits me.

What if he IS my soulmate...

...but I'm not his?

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now