{5} Phonecall

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I sigh in disappointment. "It's not his voice..."
"Hang up then...", Changkyun whispers.
"Wait!", Jooheon whisper-screams. "We made this phonecall for a reason! Maybe he knows him!"
I sigh.
"Hello. I apologize for calling you this randomly. My friends thought that I would call a number I typed with my eyes closed I'd get to my soulmate... Now I already met a person who might be my soulmate and my friends think you might be connected to him..."

"...Wow", the guy on the phone says. "Who am I speaking to?"
"Oh, I'm Son Hyunwoo", I say.
"The kpop idol?!", the voice exclaims.
Shit. Sometimes I just forget the fact that I'm famous.
"Yeah...", I slowly speak, knowing there's no reason to lie since I already fucked up. "Who are you?"
"Chae Hyungwon", he answers.
"Hyungwon...", I start. "Do you happen to know a brown-haired, cute, kinda short boy?"
I realize in the middle of my sentance how stupid I sound. "Actually nevermind"
"Wait!", Hyungwon says. "I might know him!"
I look up at Jooheon and Changkyun who has been listening intensively to the phonecall. They look as, if not more, excited than me.
"What should I do now?!", I ask them, panicking after turning off the sound.
They both look at me as if the answer was completely obvious.
I nod, understanding.
"Can we meet up somewhere?", I ask.

                   ~ Kihyun POV ~

I have been listening to Hyunwoos songs on repeat. I can't believe how I never heard of him before. And I absolutely can't believe the fact that he asked me for a picture. He was probably just being polite, but still. I can't stop thinking about it.
I sigh, putting my phone down.

This is ridiculous. I should be looking for my soulmate, but instead I'm out here, fanboying over some kpop idol.

A call from Mirae wakes my from my thoughts.
"Kihyun!", she yells in the phone. "I'm outside, why aren't you answering your door?!"
Shit... Was I really that deep in my thought?
"S-sorry, I'll open up right away!"

"What took you so long?", Mirae asks, laughing  a little after I opened the door. "You know what, it doesn't matter! Did you find your soulmate yet?"
I shake my head.
"Thought so, and there's a very apparent reason for that", she says. "You never leave your house unless we make you!"
"Well, what am I supposed to do?", I ask.
"Look for you soulmate, you dumbass introvert", Mirae laughs. She grabs my hand and pulls me to her car.
"We'll drive to the city now and just walk around, okay?", she starts. "If you see a new color, let me know and we'll stop right away and look around for anyone who looks equally confused!"
"That's... actually a pretty good idea!"

               ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

After deciding time and place with Hyungwon I hang up the phone.
"What if it's actually your soulmate he's talking about!", Jooheon says, sounding hyped.
"It's probably not...", I say.
But I can't shake off the thought that this call had something to do with fate.

                 ~ Kihyun POV ~

Just as Mirae parked the car I suddenly notice something different about her eyes.
"You're eyes look a bit strange...", I say.
She nods. "I'm wearing blue contacts! But you can't see the color, can you?"
"No... not yet", I answer.
"No soulmate here then", she says. "Lets keep walking!"

                ~ Hyunwoo POV ~

My original intention was to go see Hyungwoon by myself. But Jooheon and Changkyun wouldn't let me. Just in case he turns out to be a stalker or a murderer. Or as Jooheon put it, that he might kidnap me and turn me into a sex slave like in some kind of messed up fanfiction.

"We're here", I say as I stop the car. Jooheon and Changkyun look as excited as little kids who has just been promised mcdonalds by their mom when they step out of the car.
"When we find him we can go on a double date together!", Jooheon says with a smile.
I try my best not to get my hopes up. This might just be a fan wanting to see me. After all, he did recognize my name.
Since we're in a public place I'm not that worried about getting kidnapped or murdered, but I had to disguise myself with mask, cap and sunglasses so that I won't constantly be approached by crazy fans.

"Hi!", a voice suddenly says. "You said you'd be wearing disguise, are you Son Hyunwoo?"
I turn around. "Hyungwon?"
Hyungwon nods. He was taller than I expected. Taller than me, even.
"Do you really think you know Hyunwoos soulmate?", Jooheon asks.
"Are these your friends?", Hyungwon asks.
"Yeah, but we're not sure he actually is my soulmate, I met him at my latest concert", I explain. Hyungwons face lights up.
"He was at your concert!", he says. "Come on, he lives not too far from here, in the middle of the city!"

                   ~ Kihyun POV ~

We've been walking for a while without success.
"Are you sure you can't see any new color?", Mirae asks. I sigh, shaking my head.
"Lets go home now...", I say. She looks disappointed, but nods.
But just as we're about to turn back around I notice her eyes again.

"Blue! I see blue!"

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now