{11} A World In Colors

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"Hyunwoo, wait!!"

Ayeong turns around. "Hyunwoo was here?!"
She looks at me. "Was he really here? Kihyun?"
I don't listen.

My colors... They're gone... What does this mean?!

"Kihyun?", I hear Miraes voice say. "Are you feeling okay?"
I try to stand, but end up falling down on my knees with my hands on the floor.
"Hey man, are you alright?", Jeonghoon asks.
Mirae looks at him and Ayeong. "Why don't you two go ahead and I'll stay with Kihyun?"
Ayeong winks at her. "You go girl, help your boyfriend calm down!"
"Shut up", Mirae says in a cold tone. "Shut up and go to the fucking car!"
Ayeong looks like she's about to yell something back, but Jeonghoon grabs her hand, dragging her outside with him.

"Are you okay?", Mirae asks as soon as they left. I shake my head.
"T-the colors...", I start. "I can't see them anymore!!"
"Heartbreak", Mirae says. "That can cause your colors to fade..."
"So they will come back?", I ask, scared of the answer. Mirae sighs.
"I'm going to be honest with you... I have never heard of someone whose colors have returned", she answers. "It usually happens when one of them die... But it can also happen if they break up or one somehow breaks the others heart... Oh no, you don't think he thought you and I were on a date, do you?"

A heartbreak can make your colors fade?
Does that mean they'll be gone forever..?

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

The moment I walked out of that café the colors of my world had been erased. I wonder if the same thing happened to him?
What if he never liked me? Maybe he thinks it's weird that I'm also a guy..?

"Oh my god, Hyunwoo!", a fan shouts. "Why are you crying?! Did a girl break your heart?"
"Leave me alone", I say, trying my best to keep a steady voice. I'm probably gonna get canceled for this. Right now, I honestly don't care.

~ Kihyun POV ~

I run. I'm not sure if it'll take me anywhere, but I just can't give up without a fight.
I have to find him..!

Mirae had told me to call him, which I did, about 100 times, but he never picked up.
So all I can do is to look for him, hoping for the best.
But there's one scary thought that just won't leave my mind.
What if our love faded? What if I'll never see colors again?

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

I can now see my apartment through my teary sight. It's blurry.

I stop walking when I see him, Kihyun, my soulmate, sitting on the doorstep.
Quickly wiping away my tears, I notice him looking at me.

"Hello...", I nervously say.

"Hi", Kihyun says, standing up with a little smile. "I just finished having lunch with my friends... Although, Ayeong kept bothering me, saying me and my bestfriend would make a good couple..."

Bestfriend? Did he just indirectly tell me they are not a couple?

I walk closer to him.
"Kihyun...", I start, my heart beating like crazy. "I have something I wanna say..."

~ Kihyun POV ~

I look into his eyes as he approaches me.
"What is it?"

"This might be weird to say, judging by the short amount of time we spent together, but...", Hyunwoo starts. He looks down, probably having a difficult time choosing his words.
"What is it?", I repeat.

Hyunwoo takes a deep breath.
"Kihyun, have you been seeing colors..?"

I nod. "And you?"

"Yellow was my first color", he answers. "And yours?"


"I think I know who my soulmate is", Hyunwoo states.
"Who is it?", I ask even though the answer is obvious.
He smiles warmly, grabbing my hand.
"It's you, dumbass"

He pulls me close and our lips connect.

As I open up my eyes, I realize the colors I could see before are back. Yellow. Red. Blue. Green. But not only that.
It's like the whole world has been painted in all sorts of colors and shades.


I look at him. His eyes are beautiful.

"I love you", he says, smiling. "I'm sorry if I made you wait long to hear it..."

"I love you too", I whisper. "Thank you for making me see colors..."

"You know, they say every first color has a meaning and represents what kind of love you will have", Hyunwoo says. "Yellow is for sunlight. Sunlight, warmth and eternal happiness. It's just a saying, but I want to believe it."

I nod. "Me too"

Holding his hand as he kisses me once again, I have never been happier.

A soulmate.
Someone who is there for you, no matter what.
Someone who will love you all the way until the bitter end.
Someone who can spread your boring, grey world with all kinds of beautiful colors.

And I'm always ready to explore a world in colors if it's with him.

The End.

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now