{10} Fading Colors

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"I promise", I say before stepping out of the car. "Thank you, Mirae"
Thank you for the car ride. For the encouragement. For accepting me for who I am.

The stairway feels even longer than last time. As soon as I get up, I knock on his door.

No response.
I knock again. I call out his name.

Still nothing.

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

"Kihyun, please!!", I shout, hoping he'll hear me. "I'm so sorry if I hurt you! Please open the door!"
Isn't he home..?

"Please don't cry, Hyunwoo, we'll find him!", Jooheon says in an attempt to comfort me.
"What if he is home but just won't open up the door because I hurt him?", I suggest.
"Lets not think like that...", Changkyun says.

I really fucked up. Why didn't I tell him how I feel when I had the chance?

~ Kihyun POV ~

I regret telling Mirae to just drop me off. It didn't even cross my mind that he might not be home.

Now there is nothing else to do but to walk home. It's not actually that far.
I kick a rock laying on the road. It flies away a few meters.

"Ouch!", a voice says. "What the hell, man... wait, Kihyun?!"

I look up to see Jeonghoon and Ayeong standing infront of me.
"Sorry about that...", I say, looking back at the ground.
"Is something wrong, Kihyun?", Ayeong asks.
I take a deep breath. "I'm fine..."

"Me and Ayeong are going on a café date tomorrow", Jeonghoon starts. "I was thinking, maybe you could take Mirae and we'll go on a double date? Don't tell Mirae I said this, but I see the way she looks at you, she's totally into you, bro! Maybe she'll turn out to be your soulmate?"

I shake my head. "Mirae and I are nothing more than friends..."
Ayeong smiles. "If you say so... But think about it, okay?" She winks at me.

"I need to get home now", I say, slowly continuing my walk home.
"Alright, see you tomorrow!", Ayeong shouts after me.

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

I look out of the car window as we drive towards Jooheon and Changkyuns place.
It's raining.

Where is he..?

Jooheon stops the car outside their house. Changkyun hugs him to shield him from the rain as they run over to the front door.
I don't even bother running. I just let the cold water pour down my face together with my tears. At least I'm no longer crying alone...

~ Kihyun POV ~

I spend my entire night just staring at the ceiling. When I see the sun rising I'm not longer sure if my eyes hurt from all the crying or from lack of sleep.
I check my phone and notice a new message.

Mirae: Hi! How did it go yesterday?

I sigh, thinking back.

Kihyun: He wasn't home.

Mirae: What?? You should have called me, I would have picked you up!

Kihyun: It's fine, I walked home.

Mirae: Did you call him???? Please tell me you called him!!

Kihyun: No I didn't... I wanted to tell him in person... What if he's mad at me because of how I acted at the café?

Mirae: Maybe you need something else think about for a while? I have an idea! Ayeong told me she and Jeonghoon asked if the four of us could go on a double date. Now I'm obviously not asking you on a date, but maybe we could go there as a friendgroup, just to get something else to think of?

Kihyun: Alright... Lets do that.

She's right. I could use something else to think about, even just for a while.

I just put on a simple hoodie before heading outside. There is no reason to dress up nicely.
Mirae had earlier offered to give me a ride, but I declined. I don't want to be a bother.

The sun is so bright. Yellow... But why does all colors look a bit paler today..?

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

It feels as if the sun is mocking me with its bright, happy, yellow rays. I prefer the rain.

I sigh as I walk down the street. I had stayed at Jooheon and Changkyuns place for the night as they wanted to make sure I was alright.
Now that I'm on my way home I don't feel much better. Fans on the street approaches me once a minute, but I ignore them all.
I don't have the energy to care about them.

I stop when reaching the café. A cup of tea and something to eat sounds pretty good.
Opening the door, I notice him. Kihyun.
He's in the middle of the crowded café, but impossible to not notice in his adorable striped sweater. I walk closer, but stop as I notice the girl next to him, feeling a sting of jealousy. They aren't on a date, are they?

His two other friends are there two. Talking. Laughing. Kihyun seems to be his usual, adorably awkward self.

Come on, Hyunwoo, now is your chance! I have to tell him!

I'm just about to say his name when one of the girls start talking.
"You know, Kihyun", she starts. "You and Mirae would make the cutest couple!"

My heart breaks into pieces at her words. They are on a date...

~ Kihyun POV ~

"You know, Kihyun", Ayeong starts, looking at me and Mirae. "You and Mirae would make the cutest couple!"
I nervously laugh, about to say that we're nothing more than friends when I see him.
There's so much I want to tell him, but I can't get a single word out of my mouth.
He looks sad, hurt.
NO NO NO, he must have thought we're on a date..!

"Hyunwoo, wait!"

It's too late.

As he turns around and walks out of the café door I can see the colors of my world returning grey right before my eyes...

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now