{4} Could It Be Him?

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                    ~ Kihyun POV ~

Walking home I can't stop staring at the polaroid picture in my hand. I'm so glad I had brought the bag with my camera inside to the concert.
"Does he have concerts around here often?", I ask Mirae and Ayeong.
"No, not really", Mirae answers. Ayeong doesn't even look at me.
"I can't believe he forgot to take a picture with me!", she complains. "Kihyun got one without asking!"
"Ayeong, he was in a hurry!", Mirae says to my defense. "He didn't have the time to take pictures with all of us! And you're forgetting the main reason we went there - to find Kihyuns soulmate so stop being salty about a damn picture!"
Neither me or Ayeong knows how to respond. But I'm grateful Mirae sticks up for me.
"Thought you were a fan as well", Ayeong finally says.
"Yeah, I am, but at least Kihyun got the picture, right?", Mirae answers. "And he saw his second color so it wasn't a waste for any of us!" Jeonghoon clears his throat to make himself acknowledged.
"What about me?", he says. "All I got was a spicy ticket!"
Me and the girls burst into laughter while Jeonghoon tries to convince us he said "pricy" and not "spicy".

"Alright, here's my house", I say after a while.
"See you tomorrow, Kihyun", Mirae says, waving at me before walking away towards her own house.

I put the polaroid on my nightstand.
Maybe I'm going to be his fan, after all?
His music is amazing. And he's really handsome. But somehow I'm not sure if that's why I felt that way with him. There's just something special about him...

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

That cute small boy has been on my mind all day. I wish I would have asked for a copy of the polaroid picture. I've never felt this excited over a fan before. And he isn't even a fan.
"Actually, this was my first time hearing you sing..." had been his response when I asked him. I can still hear his voice in my head.

"Lost in thoughts?", Jooheon suddenly says.
Changkyun is as usual clinging onto him tightly. Seriously, are you guy purposely trying to make me feel single?
I nod. "Do you remember the boy I took a picture with after the concert? He's been stuck on my mind all day..."
Jooheon smirks a little. "Are you in love?"
"It's nothing like that... atleast I don't think it is..."
"Dude, you've been seeing colors lately", Changkyun starts. "What if he's your soulmate?"
That can't be it. Can it?
"You're right, Kyun...", Jooheon continues. "And he was wearing all yellow, wasn't he? Maybe he was trying to catch the attention of his soulmate!"
"You're looking into it too much!", I nervously laugh.
"But what if we're not?", Jooheon insists. "If he really is your soulmate you can't throw your chance away like that! Contact him, right now!"
I can feel my cheeks heating up a little. They probably look all red and pretty, just like Kihyuns...
"How would I even do that?", I ask. "I didn't even get his name!"
"Here", Jooheon says, handing me his phone.
"What am I supposed to do with this?", I ask, looking at my dumbass best friend.
"Call him!", Jooheon exclaims as if I'm the dumb one.
"Did you not hear me? I didn't even get his name, why would I have his number?"
"Because fate is real!", Changkyun says, probably realizing where his boyfriend is going. Jooheon nods. "Since soulmates are connected to fate, maybe you can guess it?"

Damn. That might be the most stupid or the most genius thing I've ever heard.

"Okay, ready?", Jooheon says after unlocking his phone for me. I nod.
I close my eyes, pressing the numbers my finger feels the most drawn to.

"Look, it's a korean number!", Jooheon says. "What if it's actually him?"
My heart beats faster. Yeah. What if it actually IS him?
"Wait!", I suddenly say, realizing something. "What am I supposed to tell him?!"
"You'll figure that out", Jooheon answers, clicking the call button with a mischievous smile before I can stop him.

The three of us are all quiet, staring at the phone screen.
"He's not answering, we should hang up!", I whisper as if someone would hear us.
"Shhh!", Changkyun and Jooheon says at the same time.
I feel as if time stops when the number suddenly picks up.


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