{2} Yellow

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That's what I remember Mirae calling the color.

My head is spinning. I had almost given up on finding a soulmate. But now I can finally see yellow. Whoever made me see it must be close.
Maybe she's a fan of Hyunwoo?

"Guys", I start as we were walking home. "We have to go to this Hyunwoo guys concert!"
"Why, are you a fan?", Jeonghoon ask.
"Shush, let him speak!", Ayeong says. "I wanna go!"

"I think... I think I just saw my first color..."

They were all quiet for a minute, looking at me.
"The color of your earrings, Mirae..", I continue.
"Oh my god, this is so exciting!", Ayeong exclaims. Mirae nods in agreement.
"It must have been a fan!"
I nod. "That's what I was thinking"

"You're forgetting something", Jeonghoon says. "The tickets are expensive as fuck..."
"Shut up, Jeongie!", Mirae says. "Kihyun might have found his soulmate!!"
I laugh a little nervously. "I'll pay..."
"No way, we're splitting this one!", Mirae says. "It's our own choice to go"
"Not really...", Jeonghoon tries, but Ayeong puts her hand over his mouth. "Shut it, sweetheart"

I smile at my friends. "Thank you... really..."

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

"Really?!", Jooheon exclaims, looking at me.
"Yes... I can see the color of my shirt now!", I answer. "It's called yellow, right?"
Jooheon nods.
"Did you see who it was?", he asks. "Was it a fan?"
"I don't know...", I answer. "Most likely since it was at a fan meeting, but it could just have been someone walking by..."
Jooheon nods again.
"Soulmates are complicated", he says. "It took me an eternity to find mine..."
I smile at him. "You and Changkyun make a really cute couple"
He blushes a little, thinking of the boy.
Jooheon started seeing colors about a year ago, the day he met Im Changkyun. He didn't realize it was him because neither of us knew it was possible to have a soulmate of the same gender.
Everyone is from elementary school taught that their soulmate is always the opposite gender, which obviously isn't true. Jooheon and Changkyun are the living proof of that.
I have no idea what gender my soulmate is.
Probably a girl since it's the most common.
Hopefully a girl since it's the most accepted.

                     ~ Kihyun POV ~

It physically hurt to pay for the concert tickets. But this is important. Maybe this will be the day I meet the love of my life?
Will it be as easy as for my friends?
Jeonghoon and I had been friends since childhood and Ayeong and I met through work. The moment I introduced them to eachother felt like fate. Jeonghoon immediately knew she was the one as he saw his first color the moment he laid his eyes on her. Red.
It's said that the first color you see represents what kind of love you're going to have.
Red is the most common one as it represents passion.
I have no idea what yellow is for. But I want to find out.

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now