{9} True Colors

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As soon as I turn around to walk home I can't hold my tears in anymore.
So I just let them run down my face, not even caring about the weird looks people walking by gives me.

After getting home, laying on my couch, crying for about one hour I hear a knock on my door.
"Who is it?", I ask, trying to sound casual, but my voice breaks.
"Kihyun?", a familiar voice say. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine...", I lie.
"Please let me in", Mirae pleads.
I sigh, getting up to open the door.

"Oh god, Kihyun!", she exclaims. "What happened? Your eyes are swollen, you've been crying, haven't you?"
I can't deny that.
"My soulmate is colorblind...", I start, my voice still shaking.
"So you found her?", Mirae asks.
At those words my tears start running again, nonstop. "It's not a girl! It's the famous kpop singer, Son Hyunwoo! There, I said it! I'm in love with a boy!!"

Mirae gets quiet. All that can be heard is me, sobbing and shaking. I can see tears being formed in her eyes as well.

"You wanna hear something stupid?", she asks. "A part of me was actually hoping you'd never find your soulmate. Because, Kihyun, I like you... But I knew you weren't able to see colors, meaning I'm not the one for you... I still tried my best to support you though, I wanted you to find her! I mean, him..."

I look up at her, wiping my tears with my sleeve, but it's useless. They just won't stop.

"You've always been jealous of me for being able to see colors from birth...", Mirae continues. "But I think it's a curse rather than a blessing... Because, it means I don't have a soulmate..! I will never be needed by anyone!"

"Mirae...", I slowly start. "Just because you don't have a soulmate, it doesn't mean you're not needed! You're my best friend! Besides, it's 20% of the population, right? Maybe you'll meet someone else who was born like you!"

Mirae looks at me, sighing but smiling lightly. "I'm sorry for breaking down like this when you're already sad..."
"It's okay", I answer, attempting to smile.
"But... did you confess to him?", she asks.
I shake my head. "I heard him saying he was colorblind though..."
"To who?", Mirae asks.
"A female fan who told him that he made her see colors...", I answer.
Mirae facepalms. "Yoo Kihyun, I love you, but sometimes you are such a dumbass!"
"What do you mean?"
"He's a kpop idol!", she exclaims. "If a fan hears he got someone, they are going to wanna find out! He might get into scandals if he's too open about his love life!"
I stare at Mirae, processing her words.
"Does that mean..."
"Yes, Kihyun, he probably lied to that fan!"

~ Hyunwoo POV ~

"Was it really that bad?", Jooheon asks.
I nod.
"He looked so upset the whole time, but he tried to hide it and refused to tell me what was wrong!", I answer. "Was I being too much? But he looked like that even before our meet up..."
"Did you text him anything weird before or anything like that?", Changkyun asks.
"No, I don't think so?", I say, showing him our chat history.
"Did anything happen, like, right before the date?", Jooheon asks.
Thinking back I do remember one thing.
"Well, a fan came up to me", I start. "She told me I made her see colors..."
"And what did you say?", Jooheon asks.
"I'm colorblind...", I answer.

It's like all the puzzle pieces suddenly falls together. He must have heard me. He must have believed me...

"Then what are you waiting for?!", Jooheon says. "You need to go see him!!"
Changkyun nods, agreeing with his boyfriend.
"But I don't know where he..."
"We already know where he lives", Changkyun quickly says before I can finish my sentence.
He grabs my arm and we all run towards Jooheons car.

~ Kihyun POV ~

"Wait, you're telling me you've been to his house?!" Mirae stares at me in shock.
I nod. "We need to go there, right now!"
"Alright, lets go then!"

We get into her car and she starts driving.
"Kihyun, can you promise me something?", Mirae asks.
"What is it?"
"Please, for the love of god...", she starts. "Tell him that you love him!"

A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}Where stories live. Discover now