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I want to run away and never come back.

Its been too long. I can't take it anymore. I should escape.

Rather than liv-

"Miriiiii, what are you still doing up there. We're getting late....oh God," a shrill voice roared down the hallway.

You can do this!! They won't be able to control you anymore.

The reflection in the mirror was determined to make her move. She waited a long time for this moment. Now there should be no mistakes. Escape should be the end result.

Must be.

Miri carefully picked up the glass charm her mother gave her. Tears welled up in her eyes. The decision was overwhelming yet very crucial. There's no backing out. Yet she longed for the taste of freedom.

She heard the sound of a car pacing in the distance. She tied her wavy locks upto a ponytail with a black ribbon.

Put on her black lacy arm-length gloves. She slipped the glass charm in her dress pocket and turned around to take a quick glance of her room which enclosed her presence.

Years of memory hung on the walls.

The posters of her favorite band.

Her friend 

The club

I'll miss you

The pictures with her Mom and Dad.

I won't miss you.

As Miri descended the stairs, the cold wind hit against her face. The door was wide open.

Suddenly a figure rushed, grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the house.

"What took you so long?"

Miri kept quiet.

Miri's Mom hurriedly locked the door and once again grabbed her Daughter's arm dragging her towards the garage. Suddenly she stopped and looked back to the emotionless blank stare Miri had the whole time since she came down.

"Listen. I know..... what happened yesterday was wrong. I didn't mean to hurt you. Okay... Mommy loves you so much."

Her Mom hugged her.

Miri didn't react.

Just then the car pulled up in front of them.

"Come on. We're gonna be late," her Dad said lowering down the glass.

Miri opened the door of the backseat and slid in. Making no eye contact with any of them, she clutched her pocket tightly.

The car moved out of the gate and their house seemed to get smaller and smaller.

I'm coming..... mom and dad....
I'm finally coming.
I'll meet you soon.

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