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Staring at the brown wood, Miri could only wish that he'll be happy above. She wanted to see him one last time. Beg him not to associate with her in any way. He would have lived if he didn't know her at all.

"My heartfelt condolences, Mrs. Dander...... he was such a sweet boy, very well behaved, I can only imagine what you're going through."

Her Mom's voice ever so soothing.

Miri was so disgusted.

How could she face the mother of the person she killed.... lying through her teeth.

There wasn't even a slight hint of guiltiness in her eyes.

Miri wanted to scream. SHE DID THIS. THEM BOTH.

Miri went close to the grieving mother. " I'm so sorry Mrs. Dander---," Mrs. Dander quickly hugged Miri.

Miri held her tight.

Mrs. Dander was bawling her eyes out. Miri couldn't handle it. It was breaking her.

I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

Mrs. Dander pulled away. "I'm so sorr--," " Mrs. Dander, you must sit down." Miri guided the visibly wizened Zeke's mother to the nearest chair in the front row and sat beside her, holding her hand. The whole day, people came to her, offered condolences, held her hand, some knelt down and cried burying their head in her lap. Mrs. Dander would just look in the distance. Lost. She was not in her right mind. Miri could sense that. 

Zeke's dad was nowhere to be seen.

He must be crying alone.

Then followed Eulogy. Such sweet words about him. Zeke deserved it all. He was so good.

"Thank you all for coming here. I'm Miri, Zeke's best friend. Zeke and I.... huh.... we.... we didn't know how we got so close in just two weeks of knowing each other. It was like I've been his friend ever since childhood. When he got transferred to our school, Everyone instantly liked him. What's not there to like? He had it all. It was his arrival that colored my black and white life. There was always a small light in his eyes, mischievous yet so radiant. I felt warm whenever he's near. I'll...... m...miss him so much."

Miri couldn't continue.

Mrs. Dander was staring blankly at her. Enough to burn her soul.

Miri climbed down the dias and made her way to Zeke's mom. Suddenly a hand pulled her and made her sit on the farther end of the row.

Take your hands off me.

She glared at her Mom, furious. But her Mom's grip on her hand tightened when she struggled to remove it.

Defeated and not wanting to create a scene. She gave up.

Then came Jamie's last goodbye. The boy, unlike Miri, couldn't bear the loss.... he cried onstage. Helped by John and two other classmates, he descended the dias.

One by one. Everyone left.

Layla pat on Miri's back and waved her goodbye before leaving. She then noticed the tight grip but ignored it when Miri shook her head and waved goodbye with her left hand.

Miri waited for the right moment, the moment when her grip loosens.


Miri pulled away as hard as she could and got up and ran towards Zeke's mom.

Miri's Mom was shocked but she remained seated. She signaled her Husband to go get the car.

Miri went and hugged Zeke's mom.

"I wanna stay here today. Please."

"Okay," She heard the muffled voice of Mrs. Dander.

Yes. She agreed.

Preparations were being made to bury Zeke in the cemetery near their home. It was so near that if you walk through the forest clearing beyond the Dander's backyard, you'll get there. Zeke's home was a bit low on rent because of this. The population here were really scared of ghosts and cemeteries were enough to scare the living daylights  of anyone who come across the place.

Just then, a towering shadow spread over her. "Miri, Come," her Mom reached out to hold her hand.

"Let Miri stay here today."

Yes yes

"Um... you must get some rest Mrs. Dander. Miri is also exhausted. I'll bring her again tomorrow." Her Mom insisted.

"I wanna stay here. Please mom,"
Miri pleaded her.

"Please Mrs. Rivers. I want her to stay. The house fe....feels s..s...so empty," Mrs. Dander was on the verge of tears.

She can't say no now.

Pity, her heart must contain some of it.

Miri felt relieved. The first step of her plan was successful.

She could see her Mom raging, shooting glares at Miri and the head down Mrs. Dander.

"Okay, I'll get you tomorrow. Behave yourself Miri."

Her Mom then turned and slowly walked away.

She's leaving. She's finally leaving.

Miri's happiness knew no bounds. But she cursed herself for feeling such a contrasting emotion in this situation.

I'll avenge you Zeke.

Miri's thoughts were interrupted by a panting figure who was struggling to hold her ground.

"Can I stay here too?"

Miri's eyes widened.

Mrs. Dander had a puzzled look on her face.



Miri's Mom had a wide grin.... Her eyes gleamed but Miri's was losing hope. She trembled at the realization that once her foolproof plan has taken a serious hit.......


Everything's ruined.

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